I’m getting used to it. It is sometimes slow to load. Also, I find myself wasting time scrolling to the bottom. It does not always seem to take me to the last read post. I’m trying to determine the pattern.
They’re much better!
Does anyone else have problems typing posts on ipad. It jumps around so much. In landscape, which is how I use it, the keyboard cuts off space bar line.
As I type this now with iPad in portrait orientAction the system has popped me out of the reply box as though I’m done and I have to go back in.
I’m now on 4th time having to get keyboard back. Don’t understand preview side by side with reply box
@DramaMama2021, sorry, still no up arrow when I use the Reply with an arrow to open a reply window. No up arrow by your post. Your post is showing above my reply window but no up arrow by it.
Thanks for trying to help me.
Same here. Your post is 504 on the scroll bar but 510 in the URL.
This app is unusable on my iPad. I’ve had to switch to a different device. If you read through this thread, you will see many posts listing all of the difficulties experienced, although a few have posted no issues with their iPad, so problems may be model/OS-level dependent.
Try first clicking the swooping arrow to open my post you replied to. Then you should see the up arrow. Click that and takes you back to my post in the thread. If not, then hopefully the admins can troubleshoot. (It shouldn’t be this difficult for all of us, should it?)
I haven’t done much testing on the iPad. But there are things that definitely don’t work on the iPhone. I can’t use emojis on my iPhone… the emoji options don’t open at all and my screen jumps to the previous post.
I saw that yesterday on my phone too. Or at least I think I saw the same thing. If I tried to react to someone’s post, it would put the reaction on the previous post.
For transparency, we added the emoji reactions as a replacement for “agree” and “helpful”
. It can be handy to react with a larger variety of emoji, but we aren’t entirely happy with the way they look on the site. So we are going to put some work into it in the new year. In the meantime, I’ll see if we can fix this bug. (And thank you for reporting it! I thought I was going crazy.)
I hate this font.
It’s Montserrat, which is the same font used on the previous platform. Font choice is notoriously tricky in web design because:
- Most people don’t notice the font at all and
- The people who do notice the font tend to have strong opinions.
Personally, I prefer a classic serif font. But other people just as strongly prefer sans serif fonts for webpages. There’s no way to make everyone happy.
Still, I’m curious what you dislike about this font in case we ever have a chance to reconsider it.
LOL, I’m in this group!
I like the font. It’s clean, decent proportions. The capital G and J are a bit unusual.
I have a friend with dyslexia and he says sans serif fonts are much harder for him to read. When he can he changes fonts to a special font designed for dyslexics which is truly a thing of ugliness.
(I’m a bit of a font snob, and enjoyed watching the documentary Helvetica.)
I only use this on my iPad . For the last several days it has been fine , but tonight as I type but right now it’s really slow and jumping around . Did you change something?
I still haven’t been able to post an emoji . Can someone show me screen shots of how to do it? I get the pop up menu, select one, but then there’s no option to post it.
HaHa @mathmom! That’s because old(er) architects all used Helvetica!
@dragonmom just go to the emoji smile face above in the text box. , then just tap on the one you want. It should appear in your response
Then just hit reply. When you add the emoji, you will see text in your response while you are typing that says what the emoji is.
And yes…my iPad is hopping around a bit today.
No. On my cell, I can sometimes click on the emoji, see it flash, then nothing else. Just tried it on the post above.
I also don’t always get the slider- or even the blue page/page box. But to describe it further here would take some testing.
I suspect many of us are just working around these issues as best we can.
I am not sure what is different-smaller, curlier, too much white, but when it changed, briefly a couple of days ago, it really bothered me. Then it quickly changed back to something easier to read.
At first I thought it was something I did. But, no, here it is, tiny and curly, again.
But what I want is to add an emoji to someone else’s comment. Other people can do it, but I seem to lack the “send” button