So, what do you think of the new board?

I can’t figure out how to get to messages?? I had a little green circle with a “1” in it by my avatar, but clicking on that didn’t do anything. I went to the three line thing, but still can’t figure it out. I was able to get to the message because of the email I received, but how do I get to it while on the site?

Sorry if this has already been asked, I didn’t have the patience to read through the whole thread.

Hi @Hoggirl - you should be able to click on your avatar and show the menu with the four icons (screenshot is on mobile):

Clicking or tapping on the envelope should show your latest messages. There should be a button a the bottom of the list of recent messages to View All.

Let me know if that doesn’t work for you!


The arrows back to the referring post should function the same on desktop/laptop or mobile. They should also always appear if you reply to a specific post unless your response is the very next message in the thread. Looks like some are seeing inconsistencies in that behavior, so we can take a look.

And we do care! Hopefully we can prove that over time. :wink:


Okay, it does seem to be working now! I thought that was what I had previously done, but maybe not! Thank you for your assistance!

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It’s driving me nuts that, on a thread, if I backpage, I can lose that thread in Suggested or Unread. It seems to depend on whether there are still-unread posts in the thread.

So I have to go to Latest and scroll til I find it. All for hitting the back button.

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I have bookmarked as many of my old faves as I can find, plus whenever I see something interesting. Then they are available and show how many new posts. Of course I have no idea what’s going to happen when the old bookmarks are restored!

Someone asked but I can’t find it- am often curious who “liked” or put an emoji on my or someone else’s post, but I cant recall how to do it. Simply clicking on the heart doesn’t seem to do it. Please help

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If you are using an iPad…you click on the heart. Then you click on the number. The avatars for those who have liked your post will appear. If you don’t know who they are, you click on the teeny avatar and their screen name will appear.

Actually, I just tried it on a number of threads…and I just clicked on the number and those avatars appeared.


Can you see that it was me?


@dragonmom sure can! I clicked on the heart and your icon appeared. I clicked on the icon and poof…your screenname appeared. Try me!

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I have a question about the “suggested topics” that appear at the end of a discussion. How is the suggestion determined? I am seeing old topics, with no activity for weeks, and longer in some cases. That may explain why there seems to be so many posts on ancient threads that end up being closed by skieurope.

Thank you. There are times when I’d like to remark in a discussion without quoting the current post.

LOL, Happy holidays to you!

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Have Private Messages been imported yet??? I really need one of mine now.

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Jon said that might happen on 12/23. It obviously didn’t. We have yet to see old bookmarks, either. I think they get busy with new issues that crop up, and the original priority issues get kicked down the road.

When I click on the heart it just has me adding a “like”.


Click on the number next to the heart.

OK. It is hard on the ipad to touch the # without touching the heart. The tech people should maybe do something to spread them out or make them bigger .

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Just testing out the quote function.

I’m testing too!

Well…that sure is easy!!

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