So, what do you think of the new board?

We will try not to import bookmarks of threads that you have already found again and bookmarked. Since you now have the ability to bookmark individual posts, there might be a few extra bookmarks for posts within the same thread if your bookmark isn’t for exactly the same post.

I had written about this before within a thread, but I pulled that information out into a new one.

This should take you back to your original location. We’ll look into why it might not be working.

This is exactly right. Sometimes we need to reprioritize on the fly to handle more critical issues. We also thought twice about releasing something big right before the holiday. :wink: (we learned!) We anticipate Private Messages to be available this week, but it depends on how the import process goes. Even after they are imported I’m sure there will be some cleanup work to be done.

Well its not working right today :frowning: Unless it isn’t supposed to work if quoting the post immediately above the response. Is that true, @CC_Mike or @CC_Jon? In another thread I quoted the post above (by selecting the reply box and then the speech bubble) but when it posted the quote wasn’t there.

Well…I selected the text first…then the quote box comes up as a choice. Works.

This seems to work too! Hitting the speech bubble…but you get the whole message!

One thing I know the system prevents is quoting the entire text of the previous post if there are no posts in between. However, you should be able to quote the previous post partially, like I’m doing with thumper1 below:

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@CC_Mike Here is what I hope are two easy questions:

What is the significance of the gray circle with a number in it next to a thread? I know the blue circle/number is for the number of new, unread responses in a thread, but what is the gray number? I don’t see it often, but just trying to understand what it means.

Second question - when I’m in a category/forum like Parent Cafe, many of the threads, whether I have read them or not, have a blue dot next to them. What does the blue dot mean?

Going to attempt to add a photo here for context about the gray circle which can be seen at the last thread in this photo. First time trying to add a photo and not sure I have the proper “privilege” to use that feature.

Question 1:
When I hover my mouse cursor over those number in the blue dot on my account, here’s what shows:

These are posts that are new to me since I last visited. Click or tapping on the blue number will take me to the first of the 25 posts that I haven’t read since I last visited. The blue number will then clear out.

When I hover over the gray dot, this label shows:

These are posts that I haven’t read and are before the post I last read. When I tap on the number, it takes me to the first of those 171 posts I haven’t read (about the middle of the thread). Since I visited the thread, the 25 posts that were new since I last visited, became “old” and added to the gray number. The blue dot will also clear out.

Question 2:
New topics are those created in the last 2 days that you have not opened yet. New topics show a small blue dot next to the topic title:

Unread topics are those that you have previously opened and read for at least 4 minutes, and that have new posts (replies) submitted to them. Unread topics show a number in a blue circle indicating how many new posts are in the topic:

To be perfectly honest, I’m still learning the small details of the new platform too. When @CC_Jon comes back in Jan, we’ll do a comprehensive post covering the notification dots.

The website is back to jumping around, so when I click on one thread another opens instead. Loading is slow, and the webpage not available message is back (where I’m guessing ads are supposed to be).

Loading very slow for me today too.

And I just got a weird message when I posted that. It was a pop up that asked me where I wanted to post and gave me two choices, the original thread and some undefined something or other.

Did the font recently change?

Hi @austinmshauri and @taverngirl - Can you try a hard refresh to see if that helps? This article details the action, but I’ll paste the important part below:

  • Chrome, Firefox, or Edge for Windows: Press Ctrl+F5 (If that doesn’t work, try Shift+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+R).
  • Chrome or Firefox for Mac: Press Shift+Command+R.
  • Safari for Mac: There is no simple keyboard shortcut to force a hard refresh. Instead, press Command+Option+E to empty the cache, then hold down Shift and click Reload in the toolbar.
  • Safari for iPhone and iPad: There is no shortcut to force a cache refresh. You’ll have to dig into settings to erase your browser’s cache.

If that happens again, could you private message me a screenshot?

It changed on Nov 27, when we went live with the new platform, but not since then. If you are seeing a different font, it is possible that the normal font stopped loading for some reason. If you try a hard refresh as mentioned above, it should reload all the fonts.


4 minutes - I think I often don’t spend as much as 4 minutes on a thread


Re: when you’re replying, you get the pop up asking which thread.

I don’t see this as a problem.

For me, this happens when I’ve started a reply, then gone away from the post I was replying to. Eg, if I’ve started a reply, then go back to the read section, scroll back or check a different thread.

If I’ve gone to another thread,
when I come back to the reply box and now want to send it, the system is asking me to confirm what I’m replying to.

Sorry this is a clunky explanation.

I like that the format “holds” my draft reply til I’m ready to send it or cancel out. (In the old version, leaving the reply box would delete the draft.) The confirm feature has spared me from mixing up what I’m replying to.


My font changed today, too. I have also experienced the jumping around this morning, which hasn’t happened before. Safari on iPad, and I’m not interested in investigating how to do a hard reset.

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I’m also experiencing slow loading this morning and pages jumping and freezing. I had none of these problems yesterday. Something changed overnight. I am on an iPad using safari.

I believe the CCAdmin elves must be toiling away in their workshop. :wink:
I noticed a change to the header earlier (included more information for navigating the site in addition to the title). It is back to the way it was yesterday now. Based on that and your comments, I’d guess there are updates, etc. going on in the background.

I thought folks meant the page was physically jumping. But I’m having issues all sorts of shifts. Eg, I can’t copy lines. I highlight and in a sec that might just disappear. There’s been a tuggle between highlighting what I want or the highlight going well beyond what I want. Repeatedly. Or if I can get it to Copy, something different shows up with the Paste. Or I’m typing and words show up in a different place.

So…at the beginning of all this…I could get back to the page that lists all forums by hitting the little hamburger. Forums was a choice. That went away a couple of days ago.

But I was also able to just go to the top of the page and hit forums. And I got there. That is now gone too. And in the same little row was latest, bookmarks. It’s not there today…at all.

Frankly, I’m not sure what I hit to the page with the forum listings. I think it was the CC grad cap thing.


Using an IPad8 with safari.

Why can’t “forums” be an easy to find choice?

ETA…now the row at the top of a page is sometimes there…but this sure isn’t consistent! And to get there, I had to go back to the Parents Forum. I couldn’t go directly from this thread!

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