So, what do you think of the new board?

There’s a 3-bar “menu” icon in the upper right corner of your screen (regardless of which device you use). Click on it and it will give a bunch of navigational options (including the “Latest” posts). The 3-bar “menu” icon is a standard interface element these days.

Mine too, and it’s running pretty hot. The worst thing is the terrible lag when typing. I can almost hear my old aol dial-uphumming away.:joy:

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I did get it load an approximation of my avatar after about 30 tries. And no, it isn’t that I don’t know how to upload photos, I was building an online advent calendar and designing my holiday cards in between tries.

Can we get an automatic text box at the end of each thread, without having to reply to the previous poster?
And WOW, the slow speed of type showing up will REALLY deter participation in active discussions.

That’s what I thought, but my response to Creekland didn’t show that, nor did it show it on another user who replied to one of my posts.

There must be a glitch, because it worked when you replied to me. But it didn’t work now, when I replied to you.

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I don’t mind getting emails when someone replies or tags me but I really hate being bothered by emails telling me discobot has sent me a PM about tutorials. The email has a link to unsubscribe from “these emails” but is that all PM email notifications or just for PMs from bots? Any why is a bot sending a message? I don’t want to even get those…

I am not having issues with loading. I like the new layout with tabs on top. I like the font - easy to read. I am able to navigate around pretty easily. The little menu bar is nice too. I think this is an improvement. I am going to live large a bit by adding an emoji :grinning:


So slow and buggy that I’ve given up each time I’ve come here since the new site, until today. It still seems slow and unwieldy, but not so bad that I automatically leave after a couple of tries.

I prowled around a little more out of curiosity and discovered that sometime overnight I moved from Arlington, VA to Philadelphia, PA. At least the state is correct this time, but good luck finding me in Philly too. :wink:

Perhaps for those of you who live in cities the location is accurate. For those of us in the boonies, it’s quite a bit off. I wonder what it would say if I traveled to the real boonies! I consider my location to only be semi-rural. We have closer “name” cities to us than Arlington and Philly though. Baltimore comes to mind. It’s only an hour and a half.

I am still having issues of clicking on a thread that I KNOW has new posts but am dumping into the middle of the thread well prior to the last post that I have read. Seems to be no rhyme or reason for the location.

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Its not super intuitive or user friendly by any stretch but its visually appealing. Right now the “quoted” posts are just showing up jumbled within a post but I assume that will be fixed. I don’t like having to go back up to the “forums” button at the top of the site just to get back to the thread browsing page either, that is a step down from before where you could just click within the location chain to navigate back, will get used to that eventually though. But I really hope they reconsider not having the alphabet links in the “Colleges and Universities” field on the left - the list is way way way too long to just include them all right there like that (plus the T20’s aren’t even in alphabetical order, etc). Growing pains I would have said no to in 2020 of all years - but still appreciate the board is here and free to use!

As someone has already mentioned, I miss the feature where, upon returning to a thread, the thread opens to the new posts, not the top of the page.


That pretty much sums up my take. For designers, not for users.

Sadly, a disease I found in the industry before I retired. Impress the new user with pretty fonts and white space. Don’t worry about regular users, providing most of the content, and how to work effectively.

Focus will be on the technical glitches, not the overarching problems. Because designers know better than those whiny “users”. And it’s too late to address anyway.

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One thing I really like is the ability to edit beyond 15 minutes of posting.

For those of us prone to typos and the inability to see those typos with an immediate re-read, it’s a welcome change.


In a word “horrible”


'm getting used to it; use on my iPad and desktop. There seem to be a lot of informative new features but I am wait and see if they’re personally useful.

No worries. Regardless of what text is appearing as your location, the IP location is deadly accurate. Within yards of the device being used.

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But does the general public using the board have one’s IP address? Or just the info shown which is pretty useless?

Due to our pony farm having been online (far more in our heyday than now as we approach retirement) and H working from home and having his business info out there, I honestly don’t worry about what people can find from a message board. There are easier ways to find us.

Others might care if IP addresses are accessible to all.

The IP address is not visible to the public from any general app that I know of, but anyone who has the software to discover and track IP addresses and wants to find your location, can. For example, the developers of this app can match user name to IP and could accurately locate your device if they had a mind to. For the most part, location info is used for advertising and other data mining purposes. My point, though, is that if you are connected to the Internet, the location of your device is accurately detectable via any number of methods/sources. If you haven’t, watch Snowden. Although it is now illegal for the U.S. government to watch and collect data from private citizens at the level it was at that time, the capability did not disappear and is used/usable by more sources than our government. What CC shows as your location is irrelevant. If you are online, you are discoverable. That’s just the way our smart phone/social media/online society works.

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THanks for the tip. I am very familiar with the three bar menu icon on mobile devices but I am not sure I have seen it much on browsers!