So, what do you think of the new board?

The app is such a massive drain on my phone battery that it’s unusable. And I only use the app on my phone. I don’t have the time or inclination to use it on my desktop. If that issue isn’t fixed, I won’t be able to use it.

I realize that I’m a dinosaur, but I’m not computer illiterate. Maybe I need to stay away for a while and see if the problems are ever resolved. I mainly visit the Café using a desktop on Chrome. The information about new or updated topics seems wrong, I can’t easily get to unread replies on any topic and it takes ages to scroll through old replies on any thread that’s more than a month old.

I doubt that complaining by adults who mainly frequent the Café will result in significant improvements, if any.


I agree @Silpat. Only in the Cafe on a Laptop on Chrome. Sometimes I get taken to where I last read; other times to where I last posted - weeks or months earlier. There is too much scrolling and I can’t seem to get back to the Parent Cafe topics page without going to forums and then Parent Cafe.

Things have definitely improved today. Forum loading quickly. No choppy typing. Scroll bar actually works and quickly takes you to the later posts in a thread. I still would prefer actual page numbers, but at least this is working.

Navigating from area to area is working well.

Some of this is coming with practice. Some because of the behind the scenes work…so thank you.


too busy. I get the following message from my iMac: “This webpage is using significant energy, Closing it may improve responsiveness of your Mac.”

Note, this the only page open in Safari, and the only other app I have open is Outlook. My iMac is <1 year old with old 8 GB of memory, 3GHz Intel processor.

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Just tried my first emoji reaction - I have a feeling that the lightbulb emoji will become the new “helpful” button.


Still hate it. Incredibly insulted by being told my “trust level” has been increased. What the heck does that mean? And why is it being told to a very, very long time veteran?

I tried to go back to the top of a page to read a message there, and the page wouldn’t let me–kept jumping down to the end of the page.

What is the point of previews which show exactly what you’re typing? it’s more like a mirror than a preview.

And what is the point of that counter bar on the right. It seems like a lot of wasted real estate.

I am very computer literate, even if “old.” This feels like I stepped back twenty years.

I am not sure I’ll keep trying. just too annoying.


Just happened again. I CANNOT scroll back up to the top of the page. It jumps back down to the end of the page. That is the most bizarre dumb thing I have ever seen on a webpage.

I get this message, too. Every single time I visit the site- with no other apps or tabs open.

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I’m not yet sure which emoji I like the best as a helpful button. The lightbulb could work well when one truly means helpful, but we need something for “caring,” because we used the button for that too.

I am not sure what the purpose of the new platform was supposed to be, but frankly, the site went from good, to bearable with the last platform change. This one makes the usage almost impossible and useless. This is a model in what not to do when you have a lot of traffic and don’t know what to do with it to make a viable business model.


Maybe I am just not finding it, but I miss not being able to see a user’s posting and reply history. Often I would piggyback on some of my favorite users and see what threads they have posted on as a way to discover new content on cc.


Yes, longtime members are apparently going to be Level 3 or “Regulars” in Discourse language. We aren’t there yet, though. Have you seen this?

Level 1 Basic Level 2 Member Level 3 Regular Level 4 Leader

Understanding Discourse Trust Levels (Although this is a blog, it has been referenced by admins here as a reference for Trust Levels.)

    Level 3 "Regular"

• Must have visited at least 50% of days
• Must have replied to at least 10 different non-PM topics
• Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25% (capped at 500)
• Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (capped at 20k)
• Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.*
• Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and
unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
• Must not have been suspended or silenced in the last 6 months
(Also, Level 3 and up can be demoted for not continuing to meet the requirements, although there is a 2-week grace period.)

This is what Jon input for the migration:

                    "Junior Member"     => 1,
	        "Member"            => 2,
	        "Senior Member"     => 3,
	        "Forum Champion"    => 3,
	        "Forum Champion"    => 4,
	        "Super Moderator"   => 3,
	        "Editor"            => 3,
	        "Community Manager" => 3,

(Level 1 Basic Level 2 Member Level 3 Regular Level 4 Leader)

So supposedly the Senior Members will become Regulars (Level 3) without having to earn that status in the new platform. I suppose we will have to maintain the requirements listed above, or we will be demoted. If so, then most posters will be Level 2 “Members,” and the students will never even get to that level.

I’m not sure if that outcome was what the developers envisioned.

The site is still jumping around on the iPhone making it almost impossible to read.

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They can demote me, I don’t care. Honestly all of those rankings, etc, don’t mean a hoot to me. YMMV

I assess individuals for their credibility by what they write and how they write it. Everyone is entitled to their thoughts, of course, and I come here to get differing opinions. I know my own. It’s mainly when I’m looking for BTDT experience about things that I look deeper, and no amount of assigned trust level is going to supersede what I get from someone’s actual posts.


My problem with this new redesign is that there have been SO MANY redesigns of this site. As soon as I get used to one format, it’s reformatted!

I have been a member of other forums and there have been redesigns of the forums. But not seemingly every year! Everyone can get familiar with a forum. But every time the forum changes, you lose old posters. Who are the backbone of your forum whether you want them to be or not.

I don’t mind redesigns, I get used to them. This site seems to be like the grocery store, as soon as I am familiar with the set up of the store, they change it. Except unlike the grocery store, I’m not going to look for new items to buy


I don’t like infinity scrolling. There’s no sense of time or space. With defined pages I always knew where I was. There were 10 pages of latest posts with x number of posts per page. If I left off on page 3, I could return just where I left off. Infinity scrolling gives the appearance that a site is busier than it is. I wonder if it’s what’s draining my battery so fast.


Not sure yet.

I don’t like how the parent’s cafe and parent’s forum posts are mixed together on the parent’s forum, rather than having those posts listed and the cafe posts only under that subforum.

I agree that pages were more useful than the scrolling as it is easier to figure out my previous view.

Looks like I will be demoted in “trust” as there is no way I will look at 25% of topics created in the last 100 days and reply to at least 10 different topics and likely won’t receive likes.

I mostly use my PC for this site so don’t have the phone issues. On the plus side, seems to load more quickly. I also find the fonts relatively easy to read.


@mom2and if you go to the box to the right of “Parents Forum” and change it from “all” to “none,” you will see only Parents forum threads. And if you click on “Parent Cafe” on the main index page, you will see only Parent Cafe threads.

It’s interesting that CC has told us nothing about their expectations of us via Trust Levels, just a link to a description. They are probably hoping for more pageviews, hence more ad revenue. And I can’t believe any of the students are going to add CC’s “assignments” to their school workloads. So their expectation of more ad revenue from more pageviews will not be met.

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