So, what do you think of the new board?

I’ve seen several posts about the fonts changing… When I browse to Forums from the CC landing page, the Forum index pops up for a couple of seconds in a font similar to Times New Roman then “settles” back to the font I am used to seeing. I have no idea if this provides useful information for @CC_Mike or @CC_Jon but perhaps some other users are experiencing that but it stays on the other font?

ETA: I was able to grab a screenshot. I emailed to the Admins.

Screenshots would be fantastic. Feel free to message me directly or post here. We’re trying to track down any intermittent issues this week. Thank you everyone!

@DramaMama2021 I didn’t get a screenshot in my messages - could you send to me directly?

@thumper1 @lookingforward if you could also send me a screen of what you’re seeing that would be great too.

Note: we did not change the font at all. If you’re seeing a different font, it means the browser hasn’t loaded the fonts completely. I’ve been able to replicate this, but not consistently since I did a hard refresh. Switching to private mode in the browser also seems to make it go away. If we can reproduce this problem consistently, we can roll out a fix for it.

This is fun. If a site uses scrolling as the method of navigation the scrolling feature should work. It didn’t yesterday and it’s not working well today, either. It shouldn’t take 10 seconds or more for the (android) screen to respond. Of course, when the screen is blank I guess it doesn’t matter. But it’s not happening on any other website.

Ugh, that is terrible @austinmshauri. I’m trying to replicate the issue with my Samsung Galaxy J7 in Chrome, but I’m unable to. I’ll keep checking to see if I can replicate. Anyone else using Android seeing the same thing?

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@CC_Mike, This is the error message I get on my screen. It shows up between posts.

The default setting is to automatically track topics you enter after 4 minutes. If you want to change that to more or less time, go to your Preferences and then click on Notifications. You’ll see a dropdown box where you can change the time. I’ve copied mine from below where I changed tracking to “after 1 minute” instead of “after 4 minutes.”


Consider topics new when

created in the last 2 days

Automatically track topics I enter

after 1 minute

When I post in a topic, set that topic to


I seriously did not even know this. My mind is blown. :exploding_head: Thank you for posting it @lvgnzl! We’ll definitely include it in our comprehensive notification post. (@CC_Jon tagging you so your mind can be blown too)

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Very helpful, thanks! Do you know what that little flame represents at the top? Also, looks like we get a grade! (B+ lol). Could this be some kind of chrome extension? I think I will try installing an ad blocker to replicate the behavior.

If B+ isn’t good enough for the students on CC, it shouldn’t be for us! Time for us to bring that grade up! :wink:

This is where I get frustrated when trying to follow a thread and people don’t quote or indicate who they are responding to.

What is blowing your mind? There is no indication in your response that I can see that helps me to understand who or what you are talking about in this response @CC_Mike

I’m still learning the proper posting etiquette. :blush: Thanks for letting me know how confusing it is! I edited and included a partial quote from the post above.

@CC_Mike I think I was posting while you were editing, so I appreciate that! I didn’t mean to aim this at you specifically, but just generally. With the new “reply” button on an individual’s post, at least that helps show a chain of responses. It is when people do not use that new feature, or the quote feature, nor at least tag the person they are responding to, that makes it hard to follow sometimes.

As grumpy as I can be about launch of this new board, there are some cool features. The problem is not knowing what they are or how to use them. I wish there was a cheat sheet sometimes! Or a pinned thread that lists shortcuts and new features or tools (like the conversation bubble for quoting text).

Editing to add…why does my reply here not show that I’m replying to you? That is part of the problem. I used the reply button on your response, not the one at the bottom of the thread.

Ooo a cheat sheet is a great idea! We’ll work on that (I’m bookmarking and adding a note of any possible cheat sheet topics).

Some settings here might help with tying posts back to replies, but it looks like a trade-off between additional screen clutter and simplicity.

Any opinions about how this should work? I really shouldn’t be changing settings while @CC_Jon is on vacation :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, but I think this might be a welcome change.

Edit (again):

  • The first checkbox eliminates the expandable “1 Reply” box on the lower left of the post. This seems helpful and less cluttered.
  • The second checkbox eliminates the little curvy arrow if your post is a reply to the post immediately above. I think unchecking will help with the issue @4kids4us mentioned.
  • The third eliminates the expandable "1 Reply " box when quoting because the quote actually has an arrow back to the referring post. This also seems like a helpful de-cluttering.

Great advice @Ivgnzi but I’m not seeing the option to do this in my notifications? Not on my laptop or my phone. When I go to preferences > notifications I just see my notifications - no settings within it. …

I’m on a desktop. When I click on Preferences, “Notifications” shows up in two places - (1) in a line of choices across the top and (2) in a menu of choices down the left side of the screen (use this one to make change).

Clicking on “Notifications” down the left side of the screen brings up the settings and allows you to make changes. It doesn’t work when clicking on “Notifications” at the top of the screen. A laptop might work in the same way as the desktop … not sure about a phone.

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I was able to fix the time on my notifications- thanks @lvgnzl!

This morning I’m waking up to piles of “unread” threads - threads that I haven’t clicked on in ages. Must have been something overnight that pulled in ANY threads from before the board changes???

I think your unread section is now pulling in all the threads where you had spent one minute (or whatever time spent you changed your preference too).

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It’s super super slow for me this morning and I’m getting blank screens.

Same here. App so unresponsive that’s it’s almost impossible to use. Started for me yesterday (on two separate devices). Gets stuck, can’t click on anything, can’t scroll, get blank screens as you. Waiting a minute or two usually resolves but only for one action. Then back to stuck.

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Yep. Exactly the same. It’s Ok on my laptop but unusable on my iphone today.

Testing, sorry. Admin may delete this.