So, what do you think of the new board?

Guess I need to take a break. This is leading me to drink! :wine_glass: :cocktail:

Logged out, closed Chrome, opened new window and went to CC. Notice the message across the top AND the ad covering the lower part of index. I had to “X” out of the ad before I could do anything. So maybe the issues today are ad related? I am still using the Light theme.


Then when I tried to select this topic from the Latest categories list:


Goodnight! TGIF! Have a nice weekend!

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My message was a little different. Don’t remember exactly what. It told me I was logged out and to refresh. A second later, with no login effort on my part, I was back in.

New issue. I read an unread post then return to that list (whether called Suggested or Unread.)

For the thread I just read, there’s a blue dot showing I have another new message.

Ok, but it’s the post I just read. I’ve tried backing out further, but the problem persists.

I get the feeling some gnome is making changes/fixes without anticipating what else is affected.

I have this message too

Similar to thumper: I went to edit “bsck” to “back.” I did this.

Change didn’t take. I again went to the pencil tool and again saw “back” had been entered there.

Saved and checked my post. It shows bsck. I waited but it hasn’t taken.

I didn’t have this problem a couple of hours ago, before leaving for errands.

Trying to add pic. No pic icon appears.

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Sorry for another post. I’m just going to stop reporting for a while.
My last post, I edited to add a line. Nope, you see no 2nd line.

I don’t think the gnome should get tonight off.

Gnomes are on it! I’ll report back when we figure out what’s going on…

It just took me five minutes (no exaggeration) to get to this thread to post that this is getting worse…not better.

And really up until today, I have had zero problems with this site.
@CC_Mike hope this gets fixed.

Adding…when I use the @ to tag someone, it takes two, or three tries before the drop down of names appears when I type the first few letters of the screen name. That’s a new problem too.

I’m having long delays tonight too…and I’m on the “light” mode.

Now I’m getting the 'Due to extreme load…" message.

Adding…even when I read a now post on a thread, I’m still getting a blue number indicating I have a post I haven’t read.

This is a whole bunch of gremlins.

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Same for me

Should be back to normal now. We had an event at our hosting service that caused the slowdown. We know the issue and it won’t happen again. We’re scaling up resources to handle spikes in traffic like today’s for University of Texas. Thanks everyone for your swift reporting!

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Fyi, roughly 5 hours after ^ this post from Mike, I’m still getting a flash of a message that, “Sorry, we couldn’t load that topic…” ON THIS THREAD. (I haven’t seen it on others.) Then it takes me to the post I’d clicked for.

I saw this a couple of hours ago, noodled elsewhere on CC and off, come back and it still happens.

These issues are not only confusing. All this time spent figuring our way around a problem, then describing, rereading these threads to get updates, or give them, is a distraction.

I appreciate the Admins. But the rest of us aren’t here to (endlessly) polish the new system. Of course, our feedback is important. But it’s not our purpose, in being here.

And sure not to be trapped in this cycle of thanks-we’ll refer it- it should be fixed now-oops the fix brought other issues.

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Mine is working fine, again.

I’d been fairly content with the redesign (even its performance on my devices), until very recently. What’s the cause of the recent performance issue? Site traffic or software issues, or something else?

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I was really starting to like the redesign until yesterday, and today is glitchy as well. Still slower, and, for instance, one “unread” keeps popping up (for this thread) even though I have read it several times. There are other small glitches: I will try to identify them as i go.

I’ve also been having “read” posts show up as “unread.”

Everything was fine until yesterday, it that’s a clue.

The launch of the new platform was on Nov 27, if I remember correctly? Anyway, here we are almost two months later, and I am not seeing how much better the problem-solving is supposed to be.

Was it always CC’s expectation that there would still be issues two months after launch?