So, what do you think of the new board?

Same-read posts shown as unread

In your profile menu (upper right), is there a “Dismiss” or “Dismiss All” button? If you hit that, does the notification still come back?

The issue that started yesterday was an infrastructure problem related to our hosting service. This was unrelated to the forum software itself, but massively affected performance since it coincided with an influx of several thousand users (e.g. University of Texas/Georgia). We identified and fixed the core issue, but there may be some residual effects in read/unread notifications that should go away when you Dismiss All.

That’s right. You should enjoy the forum and the community and not worry one lick about the system. We plan to get there. But in the meantime we sure do appreciate how much engagement there has been.

Admittedly, it is hard to see from the outside how much better we’ve gotten in 2 months with this new platform, but I would (humbly) say we have. It’s been a pretty muddy journey for sure. We still have a lot of work left to do to wrap up private messages, bookmarks, etc. but we’re making steady progress and hope to really set a firm foundation for a thriving and growing community for parents and students!


All in all I like the new format, and see it as an improvement over the previous iteration.

I have had very few issues, yesterday’s slow down was by far the worst. I expect some people’s issues might be traced to using older computers/ipads/phones/operating systems, browsers that aren’t updated, slow wifi, and things of that nature.

I also think that the administrators have been responsive. Curious if there is a preferred browser @CC_Mike?


Preferred browser should be whatever browser you like. :slight_smile: Latest versions of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge should all work.

That said, I have seen fewer issues reported in Chrome than in any other browser.

Edit: We don’t officially test the Brave browser, but performance should be similar to Chrome. I smell an FAQ post here…


@CC_Mike: Any update on when our PMs will be restored (or have I missed that)?

Can someone help me with bookmarks? I don’t see how to tell if there are unread replies on my bookmarks.

Ok, my issue with the remaining server problem note has gone away. It was probably the next day.

One thing I discovered is that when I get stuck and can’t continue posting within a Reply, it turns out I’m looking at “preview” mode. Not that I selected this. But if I find the “Hide Preview” link, it resolves.

Still an issue when there is no post number (xxx/yyy) and no visible scroll bar. Sometimes, I can work around this. Sometimes, without hitting the xxx/yyy, the scroll bar is independently working. Overall, considering the volume of issues, this one is still small, not urgent. But to-be-noted.

We haven’t been able to duplicate the problem. For instance, I can type Yale and Caltech, but I don’t get a warning on either. It might help to know which browser and device you are using.

Are you looking at the bookmark tab? There should be a “last visit” line. Anything above that has new replies since the last time you visited.

I am using Chrome on a PC. The warning doesn’t occur in every thread. If I type " Yale " or " Caltech " in the thread at Was test optional, ultimately, a disservice to kids or was it the right choice? , I get the "it looks like your link to was already posted in the topic by … in a reply on Dec 21, '20 – are you sure you want to post it again? " warnings listed in my earlier post. I don’t get the warning in most other threads.

Perhaps the warning trigger is exceeding a certain maximum number of times a URL link may be posted in a thread. Or perhaps in relates to someone in the thread using a direct quote, which makes the " Caltech " and " Yale " autolink being expressed in the format " {Caltech}( https :// , with the full URL listed in the edit window (URL is removed in final post).

I’d prefer a way to make no autolinks to college names occur at all in my posts, such as a control panel setting.

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I’m sporadically getting the same warning trigger.

As do I @CC_Jon

Nasty looking ad.


And I’ve gotten ads for XXX stores. (I think it was stores, not sites.)



Thanks for the report.

If you see them again, it might help to take a screenshot so we can remove the advertiser from the platform.

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That is pretty serious, since minors are on this site.


This may have been asked and answered in another thread but why are Florida Colleges listed in “Colleges Search & Selection” rather than “State Forums”?

Why is there a States Forum at all? It has only a few states in it. Let’s be clear…ALL states have state colleges, not just the few that are listed there. Just California, Massachusetts, New York and Texas are listed.

There are other states with multiple state colleges that don’t appear on this State Colleges forum…what about Michigan, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina…and many others that have multiple public universities.

I vote for deleting this section altogether. It’s like the Ivy League section. Why does that group get its own section🤦🏻‍♀️

@CC_Jon @CC_Mike


Desktop access this morning is S-L-O-W…getting the “wait or kill page” message.