So what will YOU do if you don't get in?....

<p>I stole this thread idea from the Stanford board, figured it'd be an interesting way to kill time between now and December 10-15...</p>

<p>I'll probably be devastated for a while and then hit submit on my three other common app applications...</p>

<p>Oh, and I'd avoid Chicago for a while lol.</p>

<p>To add a positive spin to the direction in which this thread will soon be going–even if you guys don’t get in this time around, don’t give up! If Northwestern is really the school you would like to attend, think of applying again as a transfer. I did just that and was accepted the second time around. </p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>cry. </p>

<p>no, i’d probably suck it up and get over it in a couple days. then try to get into washu, stanford, or notre dame. if all of those failed as well. then its U of I for me!</p>

<p>I might be a little relieved. For me, the wait is even worse than not getting in. </p>

<p>Then I’d send in my other applications and move on. No crying here.</p>

I’m not going to lie…I’d be devastated.
And since I’m going to Disney World for Christmas,
I’d probably find a Micky Mouse and tell him this horrible story
then cry and beg him to buy me some ice-cream.</p>

<p>-le sigh-
Just kidding.
However, I would be really sad since NU is my top choice by far.</p>

<p>I’m with Ink… I’d be pretty upset, unfortunately my grandparents would be happy.</p>

<p>They’ve been pushing Notre Dame… Even though I’m completely set on Northwestern.</p>

<p>I will be upset, but I’ll suck it up in 5 minutes and move on. There isn’t a reason why I should not be accepted because of my stats, but Northwestern has denied some students with my stats in the past. But if they don’t accept me, then that’s fine. I do have like 10 schools on my list (harvard, princeton, yale, MIT, duke, northwestern, washu, johns hopkins, notre dame, and michigan), plus a 100% for-sure in (univ. of arkansas – home state). So, if I get denied from Northwestern, I won’t sweat it much since I have a lot of other options. I do hope they accept me; that’d be really nice of them.</p>

<p>NU has been my top ever since the beginning of HS and I’d be quite disappointed as well, but if not, then thats that. I’ve got a great list of schools for RD and I’d be happy to attend any of those.</p>

<p>Peyton, if you don’t mind me asking… What is your first choice? </p>

<p>As for Arkansas, I’m sure they’d kill to have you.</p>

<p>^ I actually don’t really have a first choice. I’d be happy with any of my top 10 schools, really (Michigan through Harvard). And U of A would all right; it’d be free for me, and I’m sure i’d get a 4.0 gpa there, which would definitely be good for Med School (MCAT would be important though, too). </p>

<p>I’m really just seeing where I hit, and then my dad and I will look at the costs after fin. aid and scholarships are factored in (too much $ = I won’t go there). </p>

<p>Northwestern’s HPME program is pretty sweet, and I’m applying for it. I have to apply RD for HPME, so I had no choice for ED there. I applied SCEA to Yale because of the fact that EA acceptance rate last year there was 18% vs. RD’s rate of 5.6%. EA’s acceptance rate this year will probably drop to about 15% because more applications are being sent this year, but 15% is better than nothing.</p>

<p>So RD everywhere else, but really I’d be happy at any of those places.</p>

<p>I definately understand about U of A, a free ride is always tempting… If I’m not admitted ED to NU I’ll definately be considering the Honors Program at University of Oklahoma because of the scholarships involved. </p>

<p>That’s a smart move, in reguard to Yale. It’s unfortunate HPME applicants can’t apply ED to NU, but it does help the rest of us lol with not having to compete with more highly qualified applicants. </p>

<p>Best of luck, I’ll be curious to see where you decide to go… I think you’ll have several options.</p>

<p>Thanks; I’m anxiously awaiting decisions (Dec. 15 at 5 PM for Yale and the dreaded March 31/April 1 for RD).</p>

<p>Definately anxious for December 15, well, 10-15 more likely. The wait is killing me.</p>

<p>If I don’t get in, I might just go to Loyola. I love Chicago that much.</p>