<p>I have AB Calc in the morning, and I don't even have every one of my derivative rules memorized. I'm also extremely shakey on particle/velocity problems. I have lang/lit thursday and Euro on Friday. </p>
<p>But to be honest I don't care. I know where I'm going to college, Senioritis has slapped me full on since Academic Decathlon ended, and I'm done.</p>
<p>If I pass my AP exams, great. If not, oh well. I'm done stressing for now...there will be plenty of that when college starts.</p>
<p>All you seniors who don't have to care....I have BC tomorrow plus another 3 or so spread out over the next few days. Argh...I hate you all....(not really).</p>
<p>i'm a sophomore and i have the worst case of senioritis in the world.. haha its pathetic. i didnt start studying for ap spanish last night til around midnight, and so far i havent studied any for calc bc bsides the first chapter on epsilon/delta.. which i doubt is even gonna be on the test lol.</p>
<p>I pretty much crapped out in calculus even before the school year began, haha. With that being said, I'm barely studying for Calculus BC (expecting a 2, hoping for a 3 and possibly a miraculous 4) and I'm also barely studying for Calculus IB Higher Level (I'm hoping for at least a 4 on IB Calc). I reflect back and wonder where all the time went, haha.</p>
<p>gah....it always seems as though I get sick the day before ap exams...I have a pretty bad cold...it was terrible during AP World last yr b/c i would have to stop every few minutes to blow my nose.</p>
<p>either way, i feel terrible and am tired...i have calc ab tomorrow but i'm not too worried, if i don't do as well as i would have liked i can always fall back on BC next yr.</p>
<p>I've had senioritis for such a long time. I really didn't start freaking out until this week, but other than that I haven't given a care in the world for school this year, just as long as I kept all A's (which was ridiculously easy at my school). I guess it's because I'm quitting band this year, which is kind of making me think it's like my senior year, and all my friends are seniors this year...I'm just ready for school to be over and done with. I keep forgetting that I have a whole year left, and it sucks.</p>
<p>I had senioritis starting...2nd quarter. I kinda regretted it once i saw my grades / midterms since colleges saw those. Then for some odd reason, my grades skyrocketed 3rd/4th quarter. Where the hell was that in my 2nd quarter? blah...at least i won't get my acceptance rescinded. Anyways, calc ab tomorrow...not freaking out really. It'd be awesome to get the credit for college though. I feel bad for all the calc / world people tomorrow. Good Luck to you all (and for you really awesome Calc ABers, mind stepping it down a notch to make the curve better for the rest of us? :D)</p>
<p>lol I'm looking forward to next year so much....schedules probably easier than my freshman schedule, only class that will require effort will be AP Physics C, but with all the other easy classes I'll have plenty of time for that class :). I miss a lot of sr.s, but nearly all of them are going to college within a hr's drive so it's not like i'll never see them again.</p>
<p>senior year's awesome. Just one word of advice: work on your college app's early in the year. I did one app. (Johns Hopkins ED), got differed on December 18th, freaked out, handed my guidance counsler all my stuff for 8 other colleges that I picked to apply to, then had to have everything sent out on my end in a short time (including writing essays for all those apps as well). Result? Sent URochester stuff to the wrong address, UMich was missing stuff as was Case. Going to Emory next year, but the process was much harder than it needed to be.</p>
<p>I agree with esco. Give yourself time to complete college related material. I thought that college applications were a one-day thing, but that is not the case especially if you need some supplemental material including but not limited to letters of recommendation from teachers/counselor. Also, make sure you give whoever is writing your letter of rec enough time. College can be a crucial time of your life, so it would be wise if you invested enough time on college apps and stuff. Other than that, senior year IS awesome. Just don't let senioritis completely hit you. Admittedly, it's inevitable, but don't be like me where I actually have a failing grade and have to raise it up by mid-June (I'm confident that I can raise it up by then).</p>
<p>it was a crapshoot for me, was deferred with..</p>
<p>SAT: 1980 (660M, 640CR, 680W)
SATII: Bio / Math IIC, both really bad
ACT: 29composite (22English (never took the ACT b4 and paced myself badly...left like 1/4 of the section blank) 30 Mathh, 32Reading, 32 Science)
GPA: 3.6uw
ECs: Student Council Pres, Pres of Youth Advisory Committee (we give out grants), NHS, Varsity Tennis Co-Captain, Varsity Basketball, Varsity Baseball (frosh year), and some other stuff
Other Stuff: Sister's currently a junior there, had a great interview with a student as well as the adcom for my region (sister's friend set me up w/ her)</p>
<p>Deferred - > Rejected</p>
<p>Overall, I'm not to upset about it. I was more upset about getting deferred b/c i had to do all those apps :D. Here's a comment left on my blog though from my sister:</p>
<p>"I have a Cell Bio lab practical tomorrow, a 3 page paper and another 10-15 page paper with a 15 minute presentation and 1 page presentation summary on Thursday. Arent you glad youre going to Emory?"</p>
<p>Just be prepared to work your ass off if u go. Good luck ziggy, everything works out one way or another (as I found out this year)</p>