So who IS NOT studying?

<p>Me? Well, assuming that I don't slack off terribly and that the college I'm going to doesn't rescind my admission offer, I'll be going to USC this upcoming fall. Fight on!</p>

<p>omg, there is one girl in my ap calc class who is goin to USC (possibly the only one at our school goin there) to study nursing!</p>

<p>Great for her! Yeah, I'm the only one from my school who's going to USC. The other two who were admitted chose UCSD instead.</p>

<p>what state are u at</p>

<p>Mentally? Mentally, I'm in a state of chaos because I'm panicking over calculus. Physically, I'm in the state of California.</p>

<p>ahahahh goood one! i guess we are both in the same state....physically and mentally :)</p>