social scene?

<p>For those of you who go to LC or have visited, what were your observations regarding the social scene? I read somewhere that there aren't many parties, and while this isn't the end of the world, I would appreciate a good party on the weekends. From what I've read it seems like people just smoke pot in small groups instead.</p>

<p>I'm curious about this too</p>

<p>when i visited someone described the social climate as "very high school". there was a LOT of pot-smoking and I went to this random communist themed hipster party at someone's house and heard a bad live band play while people drank pabst blue ribbon.</p>

<p>hahahha that is total highschool. ****. So what were your reviews otherwise? Are you going to go or what?</p>

<p>for some reason I feel really paranoid as if revealing this will get me in trouble...oh well</p>

<p>Lewis and Clark is not what I am looking for in a school. i visited and i felt that the entire student body looked the same and there was a pervasive feeling of apathy throughout the campus. The school has no activism scene or gay scene and I saw something like 3 black people during my entire visit. Coming from DC this was all very shocking.</p>

<p>I really like this tread, I'm from CT so it'd be a real pain to visit. I wasn't really planning on it but there's always the fear of discounting your "dream school" cause of pre-conceptions</p>

<p>McFabulous, I PMd you.</p>

<p>I visited LC in February for a 10 AM tour and I didn't see a lot of people up and about. (Though it was a Friday.) Still, it would be nice that to know that people don't just ghost off campus once the weekend hits. I really want to be reassured about the social scene because it has other factors going for it.</p>

<p>how far is L&C from the city? i know it's in Portland. but it seems to be far from the urban area or downtown...from what i hear.</p>

<p>naw it's only like fifteen minutes.</p>