<p>I got a letter in the mail about Harvey Mudd's chapter of the Society of Women Engineers hosting a one-day conference on 3/7. It seems pretty interesting, but my brother wants to go too... can guys/parents go as well? I've never been to one of these things.</p>
<p>Yes, guys and parents can join you. In fact, on other CC fora, guys at Berkeley and somewhere else have reported receiving invitations to SWE-hosted conferences. Caused 'em some confusion for a while! :confused:</p>
<p>Both RIT (3/28?) and RPI (4/18), engineering schools in New York State, are hosting programs for women in engineering. The RIT one is sponsored by SWE-collegiate chapter.</p>
<p>Even if you can't attend women specific engineering recruitment programs, if you visit the college, be sure to contact the local SWE chapter - invite a SWE to lunch or dinner. Its a great way to make a connection and learn more inside info on the engineering program. And college students love to be taken out to eat; college students are poor. Quick though, because they are busy - they are engineering students!</p>