<p>so I haven't started writing my essays yet, but I have a bunch of topics to write about. I'll eventually write an essay for each of them, but I was just wondering which essays cc/admissions people would be the most interested in or advice as to what I should avoid... anyway, here are some of my ideas:</p>
<li><p>why I hate George Lopez</p></li>
<li><p>teaching myself ukulele/guitar</p></li>
<li><p>living with siblings with a life threatening disease</p></li>
<li><p>adventures as a kid in the woods in my backyard</p></li>
<li><p>growing up in a small, rural town and then moving to the suburbs</p></li>
<li><p>my strange hat collection</p></li>
<p>thanks for your time, CCers!</p>
<p>My initial reaction is that they could all have potential. Could you go into a bit more detail with exactly what you would discuss for each of these topics?</p>
<p>@luca, sure, I probably shoud have done that before… lol</p>
<li><p>skydiving: I love skydiving, even though heights are my biggest fear. I’d probably talk about the experience of first jumping/landing.</p></li>
<li><p>why I hate George Lopez: I would probaby start with Lopez as my intro, but then talk about identifying myself as a hispanic, what it means to me, etc.</p></li>
<li><p>teaching myself ukulele/guitar: mostly about me taking initiative, meeting new people, and my plans to start my schools chapter of our towns ukulele orchestra.</p></li>
<li><p>living with siblings with a life threatening disease: I’m worried this one might get cliched, but about how life is uncertain and living with risk is important</p></li>
<li><p>adventures as a kid: I would always explore the woods behind my house and create stories with my friends, but then the woods were demolished to make a new condo. most likely about how the spirit of childhood lives on, even though its container may be gone.</p></li>
<p>growing up in a small town: I still visit occasionally, and everything is closing/demolished. mostly about how I can embrace my roots but I am still going to do great things with my life</p>
<li>hat collection: I have a sombrero, a sailors hat, a chicken hat, a pig hat, a cowboy hat, and a headdress. they were all given to me by friends, so probably about the stories of how I got my hats and how my friends have impacted my life</li>
<p>also, I’m thinking of writing a film noir style story either about how I’ve chosen my colleges or an ordinary day in my life.</p>
<p>George Lopez has a self-described pumpkin head.</p>
<p>George Lopez, adventures as a kid, and hat collections sound like good ideas no?</p>
<p>Hat collection is the best of all!</p>
<p>I would place my vote on the hat collection and your hatred for George Lopez, and if you could combine the two, that would be a winner! 
Nah, I really like the George Lopez one, especially as you would steer the essay towards just what you said, identifying yourself as Hispanic, and possibly the perceived notions that it comes with.</p>
<p>Hat collection.</p>
<p>My daughter brainstormed on a road trip with me today on her topic and it too is about a rather uncommonly worn article of clothing that has a great deal of significance.</p>
<p>I like Hat Collection idea so much I almost wish I had an excuse to write an essay. Good luck with it whatever you pick.</p>