<p>Hi there, I'm a senior in high school and have some questions about RU. I was accepted there, but I'm a bit hesitant to accept since I know so little about it. Campus tours, brochures, and information sessions really did nothing but try to dazzle me with the new stuff they're building and their honors opportunities. There's the problem, however- admissions really does nothing except try to dazzle me with showy statistics and pictures, without getting to the crux of things. This makes me a bit nervous. I was offered quite a bit of money in scholarships and direct admission into the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) Honors Program, so I'm not exactly considering Rutgers as a fallback. </p>
<p>You now know what I know, which is very little compared to how much I need to know in order to make a good decision. I have a lot of questions and chances are that they'll take a while to answer, so just answer as you're interested if you are. I have Googled as much as possible and I know everything you'll tell me from Googling as well, since I'm seriously considering these questions. My questions are:</p>
<li><p>What tangible benefits are there to accepting the SAS Honors Program? I'm not talking about the stuff I could Google, since I already did that. I'd prefer some statements from students studying in the SAS Honors program. What comes to mind?</p></li>
<li><p>How is studying computer science at Rutgers? I have quite a bit of experience in CS already, having more knowledge/experience than most freshman majors. This in mind, I'm basically not going to fall head over heels for nice computer labs and new facilities... I've programmed entire Java games on this piece-of-crap XP notebook from 7 years ago, I want to know about the important things.</p></li>
<li><p>What is campus life like in general? I'm not one for riff-raff and generally like my peace and quiet... though I'll get laughed at for that one. How about food? Housing? The little things. I'm looking for a personal answer, not a relative one.</p></li>
<li><p>How's the general education there? I've heard some horror stories from alumni of my high school, but I'd like to hear some honest statements. It's a big school, after all, and what matters is how it affects me.</p></li>