Soon to be Harvard Rejects!

<p>Its an article I picked up about big shots who were rejected by Harvard during their early days.... </p>

<p>When</a> Success Follows the College Rejection Letter -</p>

<p>I totally read that article today. :D</p>

<p>Puts everything into a nice, broad view; thanks for the post :-)</p>

<p>you know what they say, everything happens for a reason (i know, im pretty old school)… and rejection from harvard might be some precursor to something awesome we will be doing in the future… dont get me wrong, id die for admissions to harvard. however, it will not be the end of the world should i be rejected… as for me, id probably end up going to UCLA because i got regents scholarship…</p>

<p>Haha we should just assume we’ve been rejected. Then if the result is much different on April 1, be surprised and wowed. If not, just shove it off.</p>

<p>That is a nice article. I believe that those individuals provide very pleasant advice.</p>

<p>its a sign… </p>

<p>moral story: we will be successful by just applying to harvard… :)</p>

<p>acceptance or denial or waitlisted…</p>

<p>When I pulled my Wall Street Journal out of my mailbox today, and saw that feature in the upper-left hand corner, I muttered out loud, " God, I hate signs".</p>

<p>Honestly, though, I don’t have enough ec depth (No national/regional awards), so I’m pretty much sunk.</p>

<p>^ me too… besides, im not a traditional student… ive been pretty much out of school because of the military… anyways, good luck to everyone</p>

<p>Yeah, I liked that guy hwo was rejected from Harvard med school twice and then became a Nobel laureate in medicine. And the quotation about self-assessment is great, too…</p>

<p>it seems that a lot of harvard rejects end up at columbia :p</p>

<p>yeah, i agree… </p>

<p>too bad i didnt apply to columbia… i have a state school though as my backup >_<</p>

<p>Does this article really present anything new to people? I mean, one of the guys says that losing a loved one is nothing compared to being rejected…Is that really so insightful and mind-blowing? College admissions mean NOTHING. It’s how well you can market yourself on paper, and that’s it.</p>



<p>This, my friend, is not the proper place to air those views. Why would we be here if they didn’t? ;)</p>

<p>But as to your point that losing a loved one is far worse than getting rejected than a college, I agree. After what I’ve been through this year, with the death of several close relatives and friends, I could get rejected from all the rest of my schools and I wouldn’t really mourn (well, not too much anyway) as much as I did when they passed.</p>

<p>I understand being interested in college admissions and what not, but do you really think that in the grand scheme of things, it really matters where you got in and where you got rejected from? 15 years from now, are you going to be like, “Hi, my name is Joe and I was accepted into Harvard.”</p>

<p>That would be totally awesome if I could say that.</p>

<p>yeah and then the guy you’re talking to punches you for being a ******. But if that is your life aspiration, i hope you make it then.</p>

<p>Are you kidding me? If someone told that to me, I’d be all, “RUSRSCANIPLZGETURAUTOGRAPH?”</p>

<p>I think you’re getting too deep, man. These college admissions don’t mean ‘NOTHING’. It’s the foundation of your future and a fact of educated life.</p>

<p>you have got to be kidding me. you seriously think that the name of the college you went to is the foundation of your future? i can go to princeton this fall (I got in, so no, I’m not some underachieveing person who has a gripe with overachieving people) and do nothing but smoke pot and drink vodka all day long for four years and accomplish nothing at all, but bc where I did it is called Princeton, it’s still “the foundation” of my future?</p>

<p>I’m saying college admissions in general. College. Like… education. And you got into Princeton so PLEASE do not get all self-righteous with me. You play the game too.</p>