sooooo stoked


<p>super xcited!! :D</p>

<p>several questions:
I wont be having a car first semester. not really worried as from what I see on facebook, most of the incoming freshman are not bringing cars. Here is the question: Bicycles. Is the area around UM nice for biking. along Coral Gables (Hurricane Dr, San Amaro Dr, University Dr all the way up to Granada Golf Course). I debate this with my parents every day. they Say Coral Gables isnt safe for bikes cause there are so many cars. i Think its bull because it look so peaceful from Google Earth, but well I want to get the opinion of a current student. </p>

Question about the weather in Coral Gables: does it ever get cold. I was deciding between Indiana and Ohio State. I know its mostly cold year round there which wasnt ideal. UM sounds great for outdoors and stuff. But does it ever get chilly cold? Im sorta hoping at least some time during the year its cold but a nice kinda cold. haha hope u know wat I mean :P</p>

<p>Miami does not ever get cold-the coolest your looking at is the middle 60's if that low.<br>
Bringing a bike is your own choice, some people have them and it is not dangerous w/ the cars if you keep your eyes open-</p>

<p>Well on it says the average low for January is 60 degrees. So I'm sure there are times when it may dip into the high 50's. I personally consider that cold, so it just depends on you.</p>

<p>it does get into the 50s in the winter and we did have a few mornings where your breath was visible, so do bring a jacket or two and sweatshirts. but if you are from up north, thats all u need. i found it highly amusing last yr when people from places where its hot al the time were dressed in full winter gear as if there would be snow on the ground.
the winter cold i think is a nice kind of cold, esp after the heat and humidty in august/sept.</p>

<p>Sweeeet. Thats exactly wat I was looking for!
hey btw, I have a questiion about the drinking on campus. Im from the U.S but did high school outside of the U.S so im quite accustomed to have a drink whenever I feel like it. I like driinking but not getting flat out drunk. more like light social drinking.
I know in the U.S its a pain getting alcohol. wats the deal with that. a lot of future freshman on facebook say their getting fakes. but with new laws making it a felony it makes me think twice. do any of u have experience with fakes?</p>

<p>its a felony in florida</p>

<p>Lol, 50 degrees cold.....try 14 degrees...Yepp thats cold alright.</p>

<p>haha yea thats what keptme from picking Purdue, OSU, MSU, IU over UM.
14 degrees is just tooo cold.</p>