Sophomore in Ogg?

<p>Hey! Next year I am going to be a sophomore student living in the dorms. Scary! I did have an apartment but that fell through so now I'm dorming it. </p>

<p>I was just wondering if I could get people who lived in Ogg's opinions on the social aspect. I've heard Ogg is hard to make friends in and I'm super scared. I mean I have my friends from this year but obviously I want friends in my dorm.</p>

<p>I also love to party on weekends. I'm just afraid it's going to be so quiet and I'll be stuck inside all weekend. </p>

<p>Or I'm scared my freshmen floormates won't accept me. </p>

<p>Basically I'm just super concerned about life at Ogg. Anyone who lived there before care to give me their take on the dorm?</p>

<p>yo i send you a private message…check it out and reply if u can</p>