
<p>i got accepted into UW and just got my housing packet... these forums have been really helpful for trying to choose a dorm.. i think i have it narrowed down to ogg as my favorite... i am a pretty big partier, and overall very social... and ogg seems like the kind of dorm where you can just have a good time and not really give a **** about anything... i was just wondering why everyone hated it so much... ive heard nothing but bad things about it... </p>

<p>also, how is the interaction between floors... like, i went to Delaware for a semester and it was coed by room and it was awesome, coed by floor kinda seems like it would get to be a sausage fest... is that the case or do guys and girls party a lot in the dorms together?</p>

<p>also, i'm from northeast pennsylvania, and going to University of Delaware for a semester I had a lot of experience with new york / new jersey kids... couldnt say i was a huge fan of them, but still i was surprised that 90% of them didnt live up to their stereotypes and i actually got along with them very well.... what is the typical UW madison student like.... i heard theyre apparently more laid back than new york kids, but ive never been to the midwest so i wouldnt know...</p>

<p>also wondering what the drug scene was like in the dorms</p>

<p>any help would be appreciated =)</p>

<p>When I did a weekend program thing in November, I stayed in Ogg and really liked it. Most people think the place is a piece of **** but I really liked the room setup. Everyone just wonders around, so you won't be totally surronded by guys, so no worries.</p>

<p>It is VERY runned down. The rooms are small (originally meant to be singles). They are tearing it down SOON. It has a rep of being very social and party friendly. I don't know how much of that is true. But make sure you ok with the fact that it is old and runned down. There are alot of other dorms that can be just as fun and are much nicer.</p>

<p>yeah i think its coming down this summer. i lived in it. I found the "party atmosphere" more irritating than anything, and by spring semester everybody mellows out.<br>
The new dorms look nice. I envy the people who are going to living in it. Detached from classes, but nice nonetheless.</p>

<p>as for the drug scene.. it's undercover. i saw a whopping 2 people smoking pot my freshman year. But i'd bet money that its much more prevalent than that.</p>

<p>as for the typical midwesterner... laid back, sure. it's all relative, but compared to new england i'd say it's laid back. Many many are some small town wisconsin, so think bars. and bars.</p>