Sophomore standing and registration priority


I was wondering if having sophomore status as an incoming freshman increases registration priority during Bama Bound? I am in the honors college as well. ChemE major. I ask primarily because I have so many gen ed’s done that I don’t want a potential gap in credits in certain semesters. I am currently considering dual majoring or just taking extra classes for fun. Any insight will help. Thanks! :smiley:

During BB it has no impact, other than you will have the ability to register for sophomore classes that you have already exempted pre-reqs or completed freshman equivalents. However, after your first semester, you will have priority two ways–the first by being an Honors College student and second by the number of hours completed. Your second semester you will register early by virtue of HC, and then by number of hours completed.

Thanks @swim4school I appreciate the reply. Right now I stand with 46 credit hours transferred but only 37 apply towards my chemE degree. I wonder if one semester at 14-15 credit hours will push me over enough in order to get junior status by my second semester. Time will tell??? :wink:

My DD is a second semester Freshman with Junior status. It is not uncommon in the Honors College. It provides room for two majors, STEM MBA, major/minor combinations, etc that simply could not be done at most other universities.

For sure @swim4school ! A huge selling point for Bama for me was generous transfer credit tbh. My state university are stingy ******** when it comes to ap credits/ dual enrollment. Apparently to them calculus and history/elective credit is not their standard and require you to start over for engineers. >:P I would have been depressed taking calculus 1 in a lecture hall of 500 people when I already got A’s in Calc 3 and DFQ transferred to Alabama =))

Your registration priority is tied to number of credits (it isn’t broken down by freshman, sophomore, junior, senior status). Even credits that you don’t need for your degree (such as extra gen ed credits) will count as long as they transfer in. As each registration approaches, the registrar will put out a schedule that indicates how many credits are required for each registration date and time. As swim4school mentioned, there isn’t priority registration at Bama Bound.

Also, registration takes into account only earned hours, so while you are in your fall semester, those fall credit hours you are currently taking do not count in that earned total for spring registration status. Here is an example of a typical fall reg timeline (Oct/Nov):

Oh ok thanks @aeromom I am already happy with sophomore status for the spring and hopefully that gives me a little more priority in registration from there :smiley: