Sophomore Transfer Student Housing - Lucky 101

<p>I'm transferring to Wisconsin University next year and was curious what everybody's opinion was on Lucky 101. I'm social, want to meet a lot of new people, hopefully a decent amount through my housing and I like to party. How is Lucky 101? Also what's the different between Lucky 101 and Lucky? I guess mostly I was just curious what Lucky 101 was like for a new sophomore coming in.</p>

<p>Lucky 101 has RA’s and is made for those needing a transition to college. That’s basically it. The lower few floors are Lucky 101 and then above that is Lucky, which has a lot of upperclassmen. Lucky is extremely nice. There are a lot of parties there, though I don’t know how social it is with regards to like meeting people. It is apartments rather than a dorm so you might not meet that many people, it’s a little harder anyway. But it is very nice, probably the nicest housing you can get at UW.</p>

<p>6th floor is designed for transfer students with RAs trained a little differently. I’ve hung out there and the 6th floor, everyone is friends with everyone. I’m pretty sure they were all transfer students who came in and were like, wanting to meet people. I have buddies that live on the 6th floor now, they’re best friends with the girls next door and usually hang out before going out on weekends. Whenever I’ve been there the door is left ajar so their friends on the floor can just come and go as they please–very social, I think probably because most of the transfer students had a really bad experience at their last school, so everyone came in wanting to meet people right away.</p>