
<p>Okay so I know time is crunched and May 1st is already here next week and I still have not decided a school. I loved all three so much (Ohio State, Auburn, Alabama) and am now trying to decide by other facts such as sorority info. I have HEARD that sororities are very hard to get into in at UA and are more laid-back at AU. At Ohio they don’t rush until second semester. I am from FL and do not know anyone at any of the schools. So I was just curious as to how sorority life is at Alabama? I know rumors are not true but I have heard that it’s ‘cut throat’ so to say. Honest opinion please. </p>

<p>It’s not difficult to get a sorority bid at Alabama provided one has the grades, rec letters, and isn’t set on a specific sorority, but instead is open joining any sorority as they are all excellent. Knowing people in sororities is not a factor, especially with the large number of OOS students. UA has many students from Florida.</p>

<p>Please don’t decide on a university because of Greek life. All 3 schools have big thriving Greek systems and you can go Greek at any one. Pick a college because of academics, financial aid, campus culture. </p>

<p>No one, at any school, is ever guaranteed a bid to join a sorority/Greek life. Don’t plan your next 4 years on it. </p>

<p>Have to agree with SEA-tide and Aubs1126. I love sorority life, but it’s not the main reason you go to college. Any of these three have wonderful sororities and strong Greek systems. Ohio and Alabama sororities have houses; Auburn’s are housed in suites in dorms and thus the cost is much, much lower. That’s really the only difference. If you are open to any sorority, you should not have trouble finding your sorority home.</p>

<p>Oh yes, I am not basing my decision off of that by any means </p>