Sorry to ask this again... why Vanderbilt?

<p>I have my Vanderbilt interview this Saturday.... NERVOUS NERVOUS NERVOUS</p>

<p>I prepared a whole list of possible questions... and I can answer most of them very well now....</p>

<p>There are only one questions I'm not confident about... Can you guys help me out plzz?</p>

<p>Why Vanderbilt</p>

<p>I applied because my mom told me it's a very good school :( I have an idea to answer "Atmosphere" and "Intellectual", but I'm not sure about it. and I never visited the school... but I'm sure I'll love it if I did.</p>

<p>how will you guys answer this question? </p>

<p>thanks a lot!!</p>

<p>Well, why do you want to attend Vanderbilt? (Your reasons, not your mom’s.) That’s what the interviewer wants to hear.</p>

<p>What is your intended major/school? I’d research your prospective academic department and find a specific detail or two to talk about. Example: you’re a bio major with an interest in pre-med, so you’re excited about the possibility of being involved with a world-renowned medical center like Vanderbilt’s. If you can get even more specific (I believe I read that Vandy has an amazing neuroscience program), so much the better. Or you’re a prospective education major and are excited about the Peabody College of Education because of XYZ specific fact. You don’t need a lot of depth to your answer, but it would be effective to have one or two points related to academics to hit on in your interview.</p>

<p>Even though you’ve never visited, you can talk about Vandy’s location in a thriving city with a great arts scene; also Vanderbilt’s somewhat unique combination of extremely strong academics with strong Division 1 sports.</p>

<p>Another question to think about - “What will you contribute as a student at Vanderbilt?” Any time one of my kids had a college interview, they were asked a version of this question. Good luck!</p>

<p>there has to be something that you like–whether it be a particular academic program, the great Commons environment, etc.</p>

<p>if you are applying because your mom told you to, well then…thats a different story & it will show during the interview
do research on your own & find out what YOU are interested in about Vandy and why.</p>

<p>You applied because your mom told you to, and not otherwise? I don’t really know how to respond to this.</p>

<p>But I guess I agree with erimiri.</p>

<p>Even though I am a former pageantry wiz (Miss Teen FL circuit, etc) and love interviews. I almost freaked at the thought of not being able to formulate a great response to this, “Why Vandy?” question. I’ve been on campus, I know it’s the place…but part of me was very, eh, how do I put the “It’s VANDERBILT!” idea in words…</p>

<p>Well, my interviewer (fantastic guy) asked me this (at Starbucks, super low key interview) and I began my wordy response, midway through I stopped, just outlined the top of my latte’s cup and looked at him and said, “Honestly? It’s. just. Vandy.”</p>

<p>He smiled and said, “That’s the answer I was looking for.”</p>

<p>Of course, NOT saying AT ALL that this will be the case for you, and the rest of my interviews were certainly NOT like this at all :slight_smile: but I guess my advice is be honest. If Vandy is the school for you let them know, they’ll understand…after all, they went there!</p>

<p>Best of luck.</p>