<p>I have my Vanderbilt Interview this week! Does anyone have any suggestions for this? i.e what to wear, how to prepare, what they will ask, etc</p>
<p>You will probably be asked:
why you want to attend Vanderbilt
about your high school sport
about your significant high school ECs
about your favorite high school class
about your planned major
about your possible career goals
about activities you plan on trying at Vanderbilt.
I know everyone will say this, but it is true: be yourself (your well-rested, punctual, cheerful, enthusiastic self).</p>
<p>I just had my interview last week. The interviews are supposed to be casual, I wore jeans and a nice shirt. And honestly, it was more of a conversation than an interview. My interviewer asked me to e-mail hem a resume if I had one before th e interview. So I did and he asked me about a few things on my resume, but for most of my interview we just talked. I can’t think of any specific questions. I was extremely nervous about the interview, so I reviewed some typical interview questions beforehand, but none of those were asked. There’s nothing we talked about that I would have needed to practice or anything. And my interview went very well, at the end the interviewer said he’d write a really good review for me and he was sure I’d have a great time at Vanderbilt (I wish he was an admissions officer lol). Don’t worry, it does depend a lot on your interviewer, mine might have been more casual than the norm, but like the person above said, be yourself and it will go great.</p>