Hey y’all,
Is there a Spanish assessment test that is recognized by the LACCD or the UC’s that proves proficiency in the language?
Enough to bypass any lower level Spanish requirements. I ask because I am a Heritage Speaker and mistakenly believed I completed my language requirement during high school. I graduated high school 16 years ago and I received my transcripts yesterday, and I was wrong… Also, I don’t know how they let me graduate with a 1.47 - no wonder I dropped out of college after a few semesters - so under prepared. 
I’ve been accepted to UCSB, placed on the Berkeley Wait-list (long shot), and appealing UCLA (even longer shot) - and would hate to have any of those opportunities rescinded because of the Spanish Requirement on my Major.
Any info is appreciated! 
Contact UCSB and ask them. It is likely that the Spanish department has placement exams that would allow you to enroll in upper-level courses.
Well, for USC, they have you take their own placement test even if you have prior Spanish coursework/experience - they give you no choice if you want to enroll in a Spanish class. If you test as being above Spanish III, you can basically enroll in their most advanced courses (they have like three Spanish IV classes that deal with different topics). You would definitely have to call and ask, but my guess is that the UC’s also have a similar test to determine how proficient you are in a language. The only way I think you can bypass any kind of language requirement is if you lived in another country and attended high school where they taught in that language (like if you went to high school in Mexico).
I did go to summer school for 2 1/2 months in Mexico when I was kid - but i have no way to prove it. The place my family is from is like a tiny village in the middle of nowhere. Lol
@zettasyntax @happymomof1 thanks for sharing!