Specific College and Departmental Scholarships at Clemson

The only experience I have with universities is with The University of Tennessee in Knoxville. UTK offers university merit scholarships based on GPA and ACT/SAT score. (I know that Clemson offers these.) UTK also offers scholarships for the College and for each different department within that college. (Example: The College of Engineering has scholarships that they can offer people. The computer science department has scholarships they give students once they declare a major at the beginning of Sophomore Year.) UTK does not really advertise these scholarships, and most people do not know about them.

My Question: Does Clemson also offer these specific College and Departmental scholarships? And if so, how competitive are these scholarships for the College of Engineering, Computing, and Applied Sciences?

Here’s a start. Because acceptance into the engineering major at Clemson is very competitive , I would think that departmental scholarships most likely would be as well.