Sports in Senior year

I am a current junior and I have done cheerleading once in sophmore year.
I have avoided continuing this year because I wanted to focus on academics.
I am an average b student with 3.5 gpa and I have taken 5 ap’s so far.
Next year however I will be taking 5 ap’s and on top of that, I would have college applications.
I am willing to drop out one of my ap’s and quit my part time job and I already do not have much of social life. I am worried that it would affect my grades though and I don’t know if it is worth doing it since it is my senior year anyway.
Is it worth it to do a sport during senior year? Would colleges care that I did a sport in my senior year? would it look bad that I only did it one season in my sophmore year?

I think your grades are more important. And your job counts as an extracurricular. Don’t over do it. Get that gpa up a bit - and focus on doing well on sat.

Think about what you enjoy and do that–for you, because you and your time are valuable, not because you’re trying to guess what colleges are looking for. It will not look bad that you participated in a sport only during your sophomore year: you tried it, you moved on. Or you tried it, missed it, and came back to it your senior year. Nothing wrong with either scenario.

Do a sport if you want to do a sport. Don’t do that sort of thing just to look good on a college application. Alpaca is right, you and your time are valuable. Spend them doing the things you want to do because you want to do them.