Spring 2011 Guaranteed Admission?

<p>Hello. Last year (Fall 2009), I applied to SUNY Geneseo. I was put on the select waitlist and given guaranteed Fall 2011 admission. At the time, I didn't see this as a viable option and dismissed it.</p>

<p>Since then, I've enrolled at SUNY Albany for Fall 2010. The problem is, I'm looking to transfer to SUNY Geneseo for Spring 2011.</p>

<p>So for anyone who has gone through the process...</p>

<p>1) Would my guaranteed admission still apply? I did not replay in March/April when I received the letter, but I'm not sure if there was any direct contact information.</p>

<p>2) If I do have to reapply, will they look at any of my current semester work? Will the conditions I'm judged under be harsher? Will they take my previous "admission" into consideration?</p>

<p>I'm worried that if I do have to reapply, I will not make it. I didn't get accepted for Fall 2010, so why would I get accepted for Spring 2011?</p>

<p>Thank you for reading this and hopefully I can get some help!</p>

<p>Call the admissions office. Geneseo seems to be offerring more second semester admits than ever before, probably depends on how many of them have committed to coming for spring semester.</p>

<p>I emailed admissions and was given a response saying that because I did not respond in time (I think the deadline was around June), my Spring 2011 admission was revoked. I will try and call Geneseo admissions and argue, maybe get a letter in my file noting the fact that I was offered when I reapply (if need be). </p>

<p>Would visiting the campus and admissions help? I really have my heart set on Geneseo, it’s just that I had been handling the situation without care in the past and now I fear it’s “too little, too late”.</p>

<p>You probably just need to follow the steps for applying as a transfer. In the mean time focus on getting the best grades possible at Albany.</p>

<p>My SAT is a 1250/1850, I’ve taken about 8 AP classes and I passed all but one, I’m arab american, my GPA is an 88 unweighted, but I only have a few ECs. I had my Spring admission, and I plan on getting great grades here and really getting involved (Newspaper, clubs, volunteer, etc.) Can you chance me?</p>

<p>geneseo admits like half of its transfer applicants, so you have pretty good odds.
your sat and gpa were on the low side, but it shouldnt affect you as much now because geneseo doesnt have to care about upkeeping its rep (transfers arent taken into account for statistics).</p>

<p>Haha, well sounds good to me! Thanks for the advice!</p>