spring 2014 transfers

<p>who is applying for spring 2014 and when did you apply? When do you think we will get our decisions? I heard early to late October depending on when you submitted...</p>

<p>Wondering the same thing. My app was submitted September 22nd, now just hoping to hear back sometime this month</p>


<p>This is a representative from the UW-Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment. If you applied for the Spring Term you should be hearing back by the end of December. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding your application, we encourage you to contact our office at 608-262-3961 or <a href=“mailto:onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu”>onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu</a>.</p>

<p>ya i submitted mine like August 10th and was told by an admissions rep if you submitted earlier you should expect to get a decision in mid October at least.</p>

<p>Where you from?</p>

<p>I was told by admissions that usually mid oct to early nov. But can take up to December for decision. I’m from California wbu?</p>

<p>I applied around August 23rd and still haven’t heard anything yet.</p>

<p>ya I was told the same thing, basically… And I am from Illinois. I wonder when we are going to get them… Is Madison your #1 choice? How did your application go and how do you like your chances?</p>

<p>Ha well Madison is my #1 choice, seeing as it’s my ONLY choice. I’m at a different uw school right now, and I applied for Stout for fall 2013 and got accepted, but when I went to visit, I just wasn’t a huge fan of the vibe I got. If I don’t get in, i’ll just stay at my current school which is decent but doesn’t have the major I want and is very unexciting in comparison to the weekends i have spent at UW Madison.</p>

<p>My application went well I think, I have a 3.4 college gpa so far, so it’s kind of on the iffy line :/. But I rocked the essays, sent in my ACT score (30), and had a good letter of rec.</p>

<p>Did any posters read post #3???</p>

<p>yeah read the one from the wisco rep. Theyre right that we will hear back by the end of december, but for the past couple years spring applicants usually have heard back between oct-nov, + a lot of the counselors are saying that time frame.</p>

<p>Read it- you can ask them your questions. Nothing else said here or elsewhere will mean anything- a simple request can answer your questions. And you have been encouraged to do so. Simple.</p>

<p>I have asked them questions that’s how I found out the average hear back dates, as well as xicwyx said he/she talked to them as well. We are just talking now sharing that we found the same things and going in circles with our information because it makes us feel better about the nerve racking experience of getting in…</p>

<p>wow, that’s impressive, katrocious! You are competitive. I know, Madison is so sick, right. Did you see the new I’m shmacked video? Were you there? It was parent weekend. Madison is my #1 choice, too. I applied just before you, lol! Ya, Im really passionate about Madison as I can tell you are…</p>

<p>my stats are similar to yours, and I will be SHOCKED if we don’t get in. I also have a good letter of rec. and an EC that applies to my intended major and career. I just hate waiting for the decision… How many credits do you have and expect by the time of transfer?</p>

<p>yea Hayz14, I heard the same thing you did from an admissions rep. by phone. The Wisconsin rep. who posted on this thread told us nothing we didn’t know already… LOL, wis75 sounds like a townie.</p>

<p>well i have no idea how many of my credits will actually transfer, but I will have 48 completed after this semester. And I’ve never been to Madison during any of the “crazy” weekends but I am going for freak fest!!! What are you guys planning on doing for housing? I really hope i can get into liz waters, even though it’s considered lakeshore, it’s really close to where most of my classes would be and I felt called to it for some reason haha.</p>

<p>parent, alumnus, et al. I expect more from people at UW…</p>

<p>haha, I am similar to you katrocious. I’ll have 49 credits by the time I transfer. Oh really, did you check out UW’s transfer information system (TIS)? I am planning on trying to get into the transfer housing. I’m not too sure of anything else…</p>

<p>A lot of my classes on there show up as being a general elective but I don’t know if they will count as gen eds or just extra credits. All of the classes that I am taking right now count as gen eds. I just want to know if I got in or not!!! I’m getting so impatient and am going to be really mad if I don’t find out till mid december</p>

<p>Hey did anybody receive any response from Madison yet? :(</p>

<p>I’m waiting for their response too. Maybe these few days we might get the decision as they are starting to review fall 2014 app on 1 November.</p>