spring 2014 transfers

<p>Cat… don’t be “picky” about dorms. All of the UW Res Halls dorms have been maintained and you will be eligible for one of the few spots that open up when someone leaves the university at the end of first semester. Consider yourself lucky to be at UW and able to get into Res Halls. All dorms have pros and cons.</p>

<p>Most likely, if I end up transferring, I’ll try to get into Adams Hall since that’s the college’s transfer student dorm. Smith Hall looks super nice though and I like that bathrooms are shared by only 2-3 rooms there.</p>

<p>See what is available for this spring before getting too set on any one dorm. Someone else may also want your first choice. Do not obsess over this, either. It is only for a few months and there is a lot more to your UW experience, including many places to spend your time.</p>

<p>Just checked my email today and was accepted late on Friday… I am surprised that Ivy League dude was denied… You’re better off going to the Ivy League, anyway… That makes no coherent sense how they would reject you. I’m going to commit to UMich, however, as they didn’t take the entire semester to respond and that I am guaranteed my preferred housing option. Sorry to everyone who were denied admission</p>

<p>Sorry I have to post here again! I know this forum is not for posting stuff like this but I have a place available for both Spring and summer. Rent is super cheap. If you are transferring and worry about housing, please contact me!</p>

<p>Not all Ivy League schools are as good as UW, especially in some fields, and not all of them have all of the majors UW has (thinking computer science, chemistry and linguistics- look up the grad school ratings and try finding a linguistics major at Dartmouth). Choosing Michigan over UW for your reasons- getting certain housing is not a good reason to make a decision- you probably favored Michigan to begin with. Enjoy, both are good choices.</p>

<p>I got in unofficially 2-3 weeks ago (my credits transferred over, and they sent me an email). My official decision status was not changed until a couple days ago. </p>

High School: ~3.3 UW
6-7 AP courses
29 ACT</p>

<p>3.25 GPA - UWEC
(Terrible freshman year, then a really strong upward trend and Dean’s list in classes such as Chem, Acct, etc)
83 credits</p>

<p>Respectfully, Madison doesn’t even come close to comparing with an Ivy League, not even close. UW isn’t even that good of a school… You are clearly overvaluing it. IT’s just an average state school; e.g., Ohio State. With your logic, you can pretty much nit pick any school’s major and find one better in something than the other. That doesn’t actually determine the whole value of a school. Besides I can’t imagine too many graduates actually getting out of the boondocks of Wisconsin… I am from Chicago, and after I graduate, I wouldn’t want to live in Minnesota either…</p>

<p>As for why I choose UMich: I was admitted into their econ department and UMich is in fact a target school, unlike Madison. It is better for my intended career. And what is wrong with wanting to have my preferred housing option? This allows me to make contacts with other students in a similar situation as me, socially. Makes a whole lot of sense to me. Plus my friend was also admitted and it just makes for an easier transition…</p>

<p>UW took too long… They put me in an awkward spot. I wanted to go there but they just took too long, which I didn’t appreciate so their loss. Thanks</p>

<p>Using “respectively” doesn’t do anything to make your points more valid. UW is much higher ranked than The Ohio State in may fields. Think math, computer science and chemistry for example. Go through the lists for the 7 Ivy (sports) league schools and you will find not all of them are as highly ranked. Michigan is another top public school- better known on the east coast than UW. Being a “target school” is marketing, not necessarily academic quality differences. Every school has pros and cons. Snob appeal means more on the east coast. Harvard is not always the best choice for every major- computer science or engineering… Actually some flagship U’s DO compare to that 7 school athletic league, especially some of the less academically strong ones.</p>

<p>btw- in the Big Ten some schools garner far more research dollars than others- Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin are ranked at/near the top (depending on the subset). Found this info on the Indiana website a few years ago- why they would want everyone to know they ranked near the bottom is beyond me. I also found out that schools want to be in the Big Ten because it is not only an athletic conference but members get academic funding benefits.</p>

<p>There are many ways of rating/ranking schools. Percentages or absolute numbers. Grad/undergrad. There are also many excellent schools in various fields that work well for the gifted student. Not all Ivy league student ever go on to graduate degrees. Their professors and books used come from outside their system as well.</p>

<p>Just pointing out it is much more complex than you realize. You have found a school that works for you- great.</p>

<p>Still waiting for my decision… I applied in the middle of the september, but i didn’t get my decision yet… It seems like anyone accepted got their decision notification.
I am so worried if I get rejected…
Do I have a hope?</p>