Spring Break - Panama City Beach?

<p>amandamarie: By your own admission you claimed the boys thought of you ‘as an easy target’, and you actually had to back one off with pepper spray. I don’t know you, but I am truly thankful that you are okay. Years from now, with age and experience, you might feel differently about allowing a beloved daughter of your own to risk her safety in that fashion. </p>

<p>If I wasn’t already convinced it was a bad idea, this would do it!</p>

<p>I use to live in PCB, just a street over from Front Beach Road.
Locals were always encouraged to stay in for a month. We would go down to the beach and free events just to see the show and by show i mean the kids gone wild show. Let your imagination go and that is pretty much what you get. I would NOT recommend a hotel and if she is looking at a condo make sure you take a look closely at all the conditions prior to signing or agreeing going in to it. Also if she goes tell her to be the responsible one and tour the house and make notes and photos of any nick or damage so that they will not be held liable for damages.
BUT you know your daughter best.
I am just happy that we live in south Florida so I do not have to worry about the " can I go to Florida for SB?"!!!</p>

<p>Pcb during spring break is a huge party town. I’m sure what you expect. Drinking, drugs and little supervision. I knew a mom who went with some girls last year, a real party mom to keep things in line. One girl was almost arrested for disorderly conduct, but they all ‘had fun’ . Personally, it depends on the maturity level of the girls she is going with, but there are all levels of maturity there and that peer pressure we all hate. My kids avoid it and go to less party like beaches. The party mom was a wreck by the time they got back. Too many close calls and missing girls who didn’t answer their phones.</p>

<p>Twelve kinds of gross. That’s all.</p>

<p>I say we get a group of moms and dads and head down to PCB ourselves for spring break and party on like it’s 1999. :)</p>


<p>That’ll keep the kids away!</p>