<p>Supposedly, Exeter does not have a cutoff, but is that really true?
So if you get a 20 percentile on your SSAT's you'd still be in the running for a spot in Exeter?</p>
<p>I didn't get 20%, but I was just wondering what the cutoff for top tier schools are, Exeter, Andover and SPS especially.
Please someone help? :)</p>
<p>technically they don’t have one. Suppose you made a 20 on the ssat, in order to be accepted your dad would be obama, your school president, more ECs than god, and your a varsity athlete.</p>
<p>istoleyournose pretty much covered it. for an average kid i’m guessing the lowest cut off would be about 80. you’d have to be super special to get any lower than that</p>
<p>Yeah, my Exeter interviewer specifically told ME that if it was over 80 it would not affect my application.</p>
<p>I have a couple hooks though, so I can’t speak for someone else…</p>
<p>I think that in the 70’s, you need a minority hook and something unique about you (background, lifestyle).
In the 60’s, you’d need excellent grades, minority and maybe a sport (I’m meaning like varsity, awards etc).
And 50’s, well maybe excellent grades, a COUPLE minorities (native, from Canada or something) and a sport.</p>