Stamps/Other Scholarships at VT?

<p>It's very difficult to ascertain information from the VT website. How difficult would it be for an out-of-stater to obtain merit scholarships (no need-based ones)? Anyone have experience with/have received good merit money from Tech? Thanks!</p>

<p>Not sure where you are looking; the scholarships list PDF on the Financial Aid website is pretty comprehensive.</p>

<p>Most of the General Scholarships are need based or a combination of need/merit based.
Departmental Scholarships vary by department/major, and information can be found on your respective department or college website.
The Stamps Scholarship, which is new this year, will only award up to 5 students with scholarships. 4 were awarded this year, with only one student being out of state from Maryland.</p>

<p>I received merit aid from Tech for 3 years, but as an in-state, non-minority student with financial need. Very few people that I interacted with had significant merit aid. Those who did were generally in the honors program and/or also came from a low-income background. Others were in some minority merit programs. There are so many students with stellar academic backgrounds out of high school who apply to Tech and earn merit scholarships that’s its very difficult to pinpoint exactly who will get them, especially since they come from so many different places across the university.</p>