Stanford Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Is any international applicant here who got interviewed?

I was actually matched with a Stanford Alumni and did my interview about 2 weeks ago. She went there for grad school. She was super smart and really nice, we spoke for about an hour and a half, although the interview was only supposed to last for about 45 minutes.

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yes, I replied to @Neuropower above

Hey karNepal, I am from Nepal too.

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I live in California, I was able to get an interview!

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Hit me up

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Congratss! When did u receive an email to interview?

For a typical year like class of 2020, approximately what fraction of applicants received interview invites?


MY DD got interview invitation last week

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Do you think they finished sending out interview invites?

As an interviewer, I can definitely tell you that the interviews are rarely of consequence. I think the only way it can matter is if you have a terrible interview and your application was otherwise stellar. I have had several great interviews after which I wrote glowing reports. None of those students were admitted. From the interview, it seemed that some of them were very strong candidates. (We do not have access to any parts of the application, so I do not know what else was in the application other than what the interviewee tells us.) the interview is rather more of an information session where you can ask questions about Stanford to an alumnus and you can highlight parts of your application to the alumnus that they can pass along in their report.


I have the same question @karmasweedan, do y’all think it’s fair to assume interview invites are completed?

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I’m an international student from India, and got an email regarding the interview today. The interviewer also mentioned that all interviews must be completed by 4th March (although Im not sure whether this date is the actual deadline for conducting interviews).


ohk, that’s great. I’m also from India but hadn’t received any interview mail till now.
Btw, Best of luck for the interview !!! :grin:

Thanks lmao, although I can’t find any info on my interviewer, his LinkedIn account, or anything.

I thought this was a good indication that my chances are high, but then Stanford sends interviews to random people.

Hey everyone! I had my interview about two weeks ago and I was wondering if anyone else’s interviewer was not from their region. I’m from NYC but my interviewer was from and based in California. I just want to know if anyone has had something like this.

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Y, the interviewer may have moved from NYC/NJ area to CA. Otherwise, with deluge of applications, Stanford may be asking for volunteers to interview candidates from other areas. Just be glad that you had an interview.

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I’m from an Indian state, but my interviewer moves between the us and India ( he was in the us during the interview)

Does anyone have an idea of when the decision date is?

April 9