Stanford Supplement: Short Essays length.

<p>According to the Common Application:

Please respond to the following essay topics with up to 250 words.


<p>According to the Stanford Supplement page (Essays</a> : Stanford University)

Responses must be at least 250 words but should not exceed the space provided in the Supplement.


<p>The instructions are exact opposites. Which should we follow?</p>

<p>the instructions on this supplement have a few issues.
i would recommend doing what was said for the last like 5 years.
at least 250 words and no more than the space. (the space allowed me about 320 words each last year)</p>

<p>Stanford must have changed it to match common app.
" 6.</p>

<p>The Stanford Supplement Short Essays</p>

<p>Candidates must respond to all three questions/topics. Please respond to the following essay topics with up to 250 words."
[Essays</a> : Stanford University](<a href=ā€œ]Essaysā€></p>

<p>250 words is short, Iā€™m gonna have to do some serious editing</p>