<p>Information can be found here:
<a href="http://ucomm.stanford.edu/cds">http://ucomm.stanford.edu/cds</a></p>
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 814
Number of wait-listed students who accepted a place on the list: 576
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 0</p>
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 789
Number of wait-listed students who accepted a place on the list: 594
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 0</p>
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 1078
Number of wait-listed students who accepted a place on the list: 784
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 13</p>
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 999
Number of wait-listed students who accepted a place on the list: 773
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 40</p>
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 1,354
Number of wait-listed students who accepted a place on the list: 934
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 127</p>
<p>It has been getting more and more difficult to get off the waitlist, so don't bet on it. Nobody got off of it the last 2 years.</p>
<p>Guessing the same will happen this year – they’ve been discussing how they were over by about 50 students last year and were scrambling for housing. Can’t see how that would be much different this year. Personally, pumped to have been waitlisted at Stanford but am looking forward to attending Dartmouth next year!</p>
<p>^^unfortunately wait-list statistics don’t lie. They have taken zero (0) off the waitlist in last 2 years. That should not be happening. It means they are accepting “too many” even at the present low rate…</p>
<p>…I think many of us were expecting Stanford to accept a total of about 2075-2100 this year so that they could utilize their wait-list like other schools…but, they did not. I’m afraid their yield will be up again since it continues to be the top “dream school” (according to Princeton Review) for students and parents alike…and they may be over-enrolled this year…</p>
<p>What’s frustrating to me is the number of schools with huge waitlists (more than their freshman class). Why would they need (or want) that many? Also, do I have a hope of coming off the Stanford, Duke, U Penn, or Brown waitlists? All four of them waitlisted me, and I was accepted at University of Washington and Boston University. </p>
<p>The large waitlists are used in a specific way when they need to accept people off the waitlist.</p>
<p>The schools are looking for a certain profile for the incoming class. So they try to keep backups to fill in that profile if there is an imbalance in the acceptances. So if they admitted 10 American Indians and only 4 accept and but they need 7 as a minimum, they are trying to find more American Indians on the waitlist than fill those spots with Indian Americans who are on the waitlist.</p>
<p>yeah I got waitlisted at Stanford as well as at columbia. Buts its all good since I got into Duke and either way I highly doubt any of those colleges take many if any people off their waitlist. I liked Stanford but at this point its better to just move on. Goodluck to you all waitlisted buddies.</p>
<p>Hi, I’m waitlisted for Stanford and regarding last two year’s waitlist statistics I think the chance of being admitted is really low.
I have a question anyway! Does nationality affect on the chance of being admitted or not?
I would be glad to find anyone willing to help me with my question.</p>
<p>Nationality does not affect the chances</p>
<p>“Can’t see how that would be much different this year.” They say they accepted fewer students to compensate for the increased yield which had caused those problems. It will be different. </p>
<p>yeah so while i really do hope to make it off the waitlist, stanfords yield this year will unfortunately cross 80% making it unlikely that they will utilize their waitlist
out of 10 people i know who have been accepted 9 are choosing stanford. this pattern i believe will give a rough assessment of the yield rate
anyways im headed to berkeley tho so its cool</p>
<p>And I do not know anybody that was accepted to Stanford, that has not chosen Stanford. I know of someone who chose Stanford over MIT/Harvard.</p>
<p>so friends, do not have the slightest glimmer of hope
none of us are going to make it it seems</p>
<p>has anyone heard from stanford tho?</p>
<p>no change:
<a href=“https://www.stanford.edu/dept/uga/extras/decision/waitlist/faq.html#faq_1_4”>https://www.stanford.edu/dept/uga/extras/decision/waitlist/faq.html#faq_1_4</a></p>
<li>When will I hear from Stanford about my final decision?</li>
<p>We will re-evaluate our waitlist candidates in mid-May if our enrolled student number is lower than initially predicted. At that time we will send an email update on the status of our waitlist. We will provide all candidates holding a space on the waitlist with their final admission decision by July 1.</p>
<p>Lol why isn’t this thread as active as it was for last years waitlist</p>
<p>Because nobody really expects to get in.</p>
<p>@FUnderwood. I appreciate your username! Now, if you were Frank Underwood (modern day Machiavelli) from “House of Cards” you would have no problem “manipulating” the system to somehow get off this IMPOSSIBLE waitlist
<p>you’re right
i think if i can get linda vasquez’s son into stanford i can get in too :p</p>
<p>I don’t think anyone has gotten off yet.</p>
<p>@guccigirl. Frank Underwood is a fictional character in “House of Cards” who helped the President’s Chief of Staff Linda Vasquez to get her son admitted to Stanford off the “waitlist”…Frank Underwood is considered the modern day Machiavellian conniving manipulating political figure of our time…and somehow he has ascended to the Presidency in the last episode of the season…</p>
<p>…@FUnderwood was just kidding…no one is getting off the waitlist this year. Period.</p>