<p>(Sorry if this is in the wrong topic, I'm new)
Okay, so, do colleges really pay attention to what your score was on state-wide standardized tests? (Like the FCAT - Florida Comprehensize Assessment Test - in FL) This year I just barely passed the Reading portion so I was placed in an Intensive Reading class. Do colleges pay attention to this?
Thanks :)</p>
<p>The short answer is no. The reason is that different states have different standards.</p>
<p>They’ll pay attention to the classes you’re in. They won’t know what you got on the state standardized test.</p>
<p>No, but certain scores if placed on your transcript can have add a sort of secondary complement to it; that is, if you have some sort of district essay exam that you get highest honors on (that is placed on your transcript) then it could help assure adcomms that you can write at an acceptable level. This is what my guidance counselor tells me at least. But generally speaking it’s not a deciding factor or even much of a factor at all because it’s such a variable from state to state.</p>