Stats of kids getting into the Honors Program?

CSU is my daughter’s first choice and is interested in the honor’s program? How difficult is it to get in CSU and CSU Honor’s Program OOS?
Her GPA is 3.85 with a handful of AP classes
She’ll be test optional.
Thanks for you responses.

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According to the website she’ll be invited to apply. Anyone with a 3.8 gets invited. Admission may be another thing but that they’ll let you apply is a good thing.

It says the earlier the odds are better but they won’t review until the school admits you. And they look for rigor, rank but I’m sure that’s different for CSU than other schools…based on the overall admission stats of the school vs others. There are four short answer questions to answer as part of the Honors app.

Good luck to her. Hopefully it works out.

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CSU Honors program min GPA seems 3.8, which you have. They look into other stuff like test scores, academic rigor, rank etc. You can look at their evaluation criteria here. Why CSU honors? There is a good honor program at Arizona State University, many WUE schools, and others. Many known CA kids joined in ASU’s honor’s program. In general honors programs are competitive when compared to general admission into the same university. Per CSU 2018 data (link is listed below) acceptance rate is at 48%, which is high for typical honors programs. With that said, IMO, you have good chances at CSU honors program not knowing your stats other than GPA which you have mentioned. Good luck.

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I had the exact same question last night and found this online.

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My D22 got in with a 3.95 and okay SATs. However, the school fell off her list pretty quickly because of the cost. For an out-of-state student, it was really high—almost twice the cost of the school she ended up choosing.


We just came back from a tour of the honors program. It seems great. Classes are in lieu of gen ed credits, so you don’t have to use your elective credits. Classes are way smaller, provide more depth and more discussion based than the lower level gen eds.

They stated that they look at grades, rigor and the supplemental essays on the honors application. S23’s school does not offer AP, so I’m not sure how that will play into the equation. We met with someone from his major that had been in the honors program and she said it was definitely value added.

Let me know if there are any other questions but I think that’s most of what they covered on the tour.


Do you know when they “invite” the students to apply to honors? My daughter got into CSU a couple of weeks ago and was hoping to have her invitation to apply by now. Her GPA is above a 3.8 so hopefully she’ll still be eligible. Thank you for the info above.

Our D applied to CSU recently and emailed her AO to ask a question about her documentation. The rep replied saying that because she self-reported her GPA, she could go ahead and apply to honors now, which I thought was interesting. She said, “This can be found in your Future Ram Dashboard under opportunities.” We haven’t looked, but you might want to check there.


My son said that if you go to your portal and look under “opportunities” there will be a link to the application if you are invited.


Thank you!


Does anyone know if the 3.8 GPA for honors is weighted or unweighted? My kid’s school reports both on the transcript. She emailed admissions a while ago but hasn’t heard back.

The suggestion the AO made to fill out the honors app was based on our daughter’s weighted GPA, so I assume that’s what they use. I think it’s a fairly straightforward application, with no additional letters of recommendation, so if your daughter is interested, it seems worth doing.

How long did it take to hear back after applying?

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DS applied to the Honors program last week and got his acceptance today.


Just a few more CSU updates.
They have definitely been the school that’s been the most “user friendly” since receiving our acceptance. Great communication and they share a lot of information on the accepted student page and DS is finding the portal useful.

Lizardkid also has a learning difference so he contacted the disability office and was very comfortable with their willingness to spend time with him and that they were “very chillaxed”. Their appointments fill up very quickly, so I would definitely contact them in the late spring for fall enrollment.


What were his stats? My daughter applied a few weeks ago and still waiting to hear back :frowning: She has a 1450 SAT and 3.97 unweighted (4.25 weighted). Was hoping to hear back already.

Don’t worry about not hearing back quickly. On our tour they said as long as you send your stuff in by mid Dec, you’re okay and that it could be quick or not.

I’m not sure which stats they look at, but these are the ones I figure are important.

OOS applied test optional. Major is in Warner School of Natural Resources.

98.7 GPA (not sure of weighted). Small New England Boarding School (he highlighted his experience in small seminar based classes), Takes the most rigorous course load offered but school does not have AP classes.

3 sport varsity captain (is not going to continue in college)
Many leadership positions (head ambassador, head prefect, NHS, community discipline board)
Has a passion for his area of study. Participated in a research trip last winter and will participate in another one this winter.

Have any students who applied to the Honors Program received a decision yet? My student applied several weeks ago and she hasn’t heard anything yet.

My student was just denied - 4.0 weighted, 3.75 uw, 1440 SAT, mid-level rigor for the HS (6 AP classes total). Solid ECs.

Yikes, those are great stats! That is disappointing. Were they notified via email or mail?