<p>wow! a lot of questions! i hope i get them all!</p>
<p>Steinhardt is a smaller school, so while the individual chance of getting in is greater, your “competition” is a lot more accomplished. when i looked around the room at my fellow Media transfers, i realized almost all of them were like me; very high GPAs, very accomplished, very determined to get in. </p>
<p>I lived on campus. when I received my packet, I was told that transfers are guaranteed housing for the rest of their NYU career if they accept the housing offer. many transfers live on campus, a majority of them in Lafayette Street (Chinatown) or 26th Street. </p>
<p>i transferred in spring, so YMMV when it comes to fall housing.</p>
<p>transfer decisions are kind of late. however, transfer housing for the spring worked in that for the first semester the transfer has no “real” choice of room. they are put in any room in the dorm they choose where there is a vacancy. for example, my first semester, i was in a room with three other girls; the fourth had gone abroad to Ghana. </p>
<p>now. . .Steinhardt Media, Culture and Communications:</p>
<p>yes, there is a very high number of women in my program. that’s largely because NYU itself is something like 60/40 women to men. (i’ve heard even higher ratios.) media is popular at NYU because many women want to go into public relations. and we are very good at getting people into PR. many of my classmates are interning at high profile companies. i’m talking the likes of Vogue, Chanel, Louis Vouitton, NBC, Comedy Central, etc. </p>
<p>the program itself is based on cultural studies. now, if your D wants to do either, i highly recommend Steinhardt’s program. we do a LOT of cultural studies. we analyze media in terms of what it says to us about what our culture and society holds important. we have some very accomplished faculty.</p>
<p>i concentrated on images and the screen/global and transcultural communications.</p>
<p>my personal goals are not clear yet. i would love to go to graduate school for media. i’m a double major in politics right now because that it something else that interests me. </p>
<p>these are the classes i’ve taken so far besides the four core media classes:</p>
<p>advertising and society (a historic and critical look at advertising from the 1900s to 1960s)
the culture industries (how media is produced)
war as media (war, death and the media. particularly 9/11 and the iraq war)
media and global communications (globalization of media)
video games: culture and history (video games as new upcoming media, video games as critical media artifact)</p>
<p>i’m taking Chinese right now in the hope to go to Shanghai abroad with Steinhardt’s program in 2010. </p>
<p>if you want your D to appear more competitive, i would say for her to hold off one semester and transfer mid-year if she can. i firmly believe that spring admissions are a tiny bit less competitive than fall; many people are hesitant to transfer mid-year, but i was willing to take the chance.</p>