<p>Newark is really bad, I mean seriously like people get robbed and stabbed like crazy. What really blows is North Jersey, specifically bergen county. There is nothing to do here and my town isn't even rich, its quite poor with tons of immigrants, so you get the picture, there is absolutely nothing to do here.</p>
<p>God, only two more years until beautiful liberal arts college!</p>
<p>We should make a "New Jersey > than all" thread</p>
<p>I went to New Jersey and it was nice...I completely missed Newark I guess.</p>
<p>What part of Jerzey? It's pretty nice...if you don't go into the hood (which is some parts of Newark...some parts of Elizabeth...some parts of Camden...you get the picture).</p>
<p>There are some pretty nice towns out there...like where dvl lives...the rich white area...Short Hills.</p>
<p>i used to live in bergen county!!
its so nice there i love it :)
yeah, im an immigrant.. (living in california right now)
but NJ isnt all that bad, though i heard many bad things about Newark..</p>
<p>What was it...Maywood...I think.</p>
<p>I've lived in Union County all my life...yup...all 17+ years.</p>
<p>It began with an M...but I think the place was called Maywood. I remember seeing some signs for Hackensack nearby...</p>
<p>then it's definetly not Maplewood...that's for sure.</p>
<p>I guess Newark is to New Jersey what Richmond is to Virginia. I have heard a lot of things about Richmond.</p>
<p>Richmond is generally worse than Newark, but Newark has a pretty bad car theft rate. I heard if you walk down Roosevelt Avenue - you can get drugs, guns, or whatever you want - if you give them a car.</p>
<p>They're big on cars there. You can tell by watching all the pimped out Mercedes & BMWs roll down the street of the ghetto neighborhood...past people who are homeless.</p>
<p>Sounds terrible...the only place that sounds worse are some countries outside the US...Your desrciption of Newark reminds me of parts of Kingston, Jamaica. </p>
<p>BTW, if any of you ever go to Jamaica...don't go to Kingston...</p>
<p>Someone once stole $100 JA from me...thank goodness it was only equivalent to $2 US.</p>
<p>Haha...I've heard some good stories about Kingston. So I know this pastor who's from Kingston...he told me that one of the biggest criminals comes to his church...and the church is safe b/c all the other criminals are scared of this big time criminal...and this big time criminal protects the church and its property...go figure.</p>
<p>^Yeah, that sounds like Kingston...lol.</p>
<p>When my mom was a teen the gangsters were the ones who made sure she wasn't hassled by city employees...so strange at times. The same gangsters who had ties to corrupt gov't officials...</p>
<p>Ya wanna hear another story...so this same pastor had to drop someone off to her house after church ended...and after he dropped her off...he was coming out of the neighborhood...and saw some kids approaching his car and they had their guns up...he was like "oh my...God please help me"...those kids come up to his car...and theyre like..."oh pastor...we didn't know it was you...just keep going....we won't bother you"</p>
<p>OMG...LOL...YES, that is definitely what a Jamaican would do...</p>
<p>It's all about who you know.</p>
<p>My mom told me this story about some guy who got shot. After he was shot his friend came over and this is what was said:</p>
<p>Friend: David, are you dead?</p>
<p>David: No mon, but me wan a 10 cent bread.</p>
<p>Glad to see the sense of humor was intact.</p>