stern: sat retake vs. sat ii's?

<p>i had a question about whether retaking my sats or taking more sat ii's would help my application to stern.</p>

<p>i've taken the sats twice:
first time: 2170
720-critical reading</p>

<p>2nd time:2230
710-critical reading</p>

<p>on sat ii's i got
730: lit; 90% percentile
740: math iic:79% percentile
780: bio m: 95% percentile</p>

<p>I was planning on retaking math and lit in addition to taking sat korean, chem, and history.</p>

<p>However, I also wanted to take the sat's one more time and try to break 2300. </p>

<p>So I was wondering if you guys think if I should take SAT's again and only take sat II math, lit, and chem, or if i should screw taking SAT's again and take sat math, lit, chem, and sat korean and history.</p>

<p>dont take anything again.</p>

<p>sat iis are good. hopefully ur 790 on math sat I will outweigh the 740 on sat ii lol. i would perhaps take SAT I one more time. just my two cents</p>

<p>i'm gonna retake sat ii lit and math iic again no matter wat i think.</p>

<p>if i were you, i'd retake the SAT I to break the magic 2300. but it's up to you.</p>

<p>would novemeber scores get to nyu stern if i apply early decision?</p>

<p>don't take SAT I again if I were you cuz you want to show the undergrad admission officers that you aren't just a test taker. Try to do more EC or improve on your grades.</p>