still no acceptance packet

<p>My D was accepted (online) Dec 19..still hasnt gotten anything in the mail..How long does it take to get the acceptance packet?</p>

<p>Just occured to me as well that we haven't received a packet from Purdue. I guess everything just kind of got put on hold during the break. If they are still going through applications, I suspect that it is only the review folks that are working and all the support staff is probably on break, so no packets are going out.</p>

<p>Of course, now that we know our D was accepted, it is now just another lesson in waiting as we wait to find out what she receives in the way of financial packages, plus she still has several colleges to hear from yet and the last one probably won't be until 4/1 so it is going to be a long, long wait.</p>

<p>I'm curious - if you received your online notification on 12/19, when were the materials submitted/received? I'm just curious as to how much longer I should expect to wait.</p>

<p>D applied around Oct 25. All the materials were submitted by Nov 11 but her transcript did not appear as received until Dec 17 and then the file was marked complete ready for review. 2 days later on the 19th it was updated to show her acceptance..hope this helps..</p>

<p>i had gotten accepted on that first friday in december and i think by monday or tuesday i had gotten my acceptance packet so hopefully yours will come soon</p>

<p>still waiting on the packet. D got an email from admissions today though welcoming her...I wonder if she should call about this? we are going to visit there next week so maybe we can just ask about it when we get big deal I guess</p>

<p>I got a one page letter from admissions, which basically just acknowledged that I had been accepted. Also an invitation to scholars days or something like that came the next day. But no "packet" and nothing about my scholarship :-(</p>

<p>haha...i think you guys should all chill out...purdue starts school this coming week since they were on winter break for 3 weeks...if it says you're accepted you should just be patient...</p>

<p>Acceptance package finally arrived in the mail today.</p>

<p>Mine almost came after 6 weeks, but i am international student so i guess it took the mail 3 weeks.</p>

<p>Acceptance packet arrived 10 days after on-line acceptance.</p>