Still worth a shot?

<p>So Im a prospective transfer student from a CC in NY and was wondering if it is still worth a shot for transfer admission for the Fall 2013 semester even though the March 1st priority deadline has since passed?</p>

<p>My Gpa is a 3.6 with a fairly good uptrend as I had a 4.0 taking 18 credits last semester. I really hope missing the priority deadline didnt put me out of contention for UA as I have grown to really like this school. Any input is appreciated:)</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot. Apply ASAP.</p>

<p>There are a lot of NYers heading to Bama next fall. We may have to get a Nathan’s famous hotdogs down there or a Patsy’s pizza.</p>

<p>Ok I applied last night, and my college transcript will be sent out tomorrow, glad to hear I still might have a shot! and yes there do seem to be a fair amount of NYers headed down to Bama recently. I know of two myself and they love it there:)</p>