Stokes Scholarship--Applying?

<p>Ok, so I have read some threads concerning the Stokes Scholarship for NSA, and it sounds pretty intimidating! I was wondering if anyone else plans on applying Sept1-Nov30th I believe, and what type of experience is acceptable. </p>

<p>I'm currently a senior, and I hope to attend Penn State University to major in Information Science and Technology and Security Risk Analysis.
I've done "ok" on the SAT's, but the requirement for the scholarship is a 1600 overall and 1100 on math and critical I'm not to worried about this because I scored higher than 1600. I'm also a "girl majoring in a technical field" so I thought this would help...maybe I'll be considered a minority in the field? I have received college credit for my Web Design Class and Computer Applications. I'm taking Database and Java this year for college credit. If it fits in my schedule I'll try to take C++ or Visual Basic as well. I may also be Instructing a Web Design Class for Adult Education offered through the school district. I have a decent gpa-around 3.6-3.7 unweighted, and I'm ranked 5th...with unweighted grades, however. I also have plenty of EC's and a job all-year-round. Anyways, it sounds like a decent opportunity...but extremely competitive. I'm certainly no brainiac, but I just wanted to see if I had a possible chance??</p>

<p>Is Anyone Out There Applying For Stokes Scholarship?</p>

<p>yes i’ve applied, looks like applicants are getting fewer by the year huh? i wish the best of luck to you. it sure is nice to know your not alone :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Just some quick stats for future reference: my GPA hovers at about 3.8-4.0, my SAT is 1720, I’m in the top 12% of my class, and i have a couple extra curriculars. I’m mostly German but i have a hint of Mexican in me so i can consider myself a minority. which i did on the application. I’ve applied for the computer engineering major.</p>

<p>I have not heard from them since about a week after I applied. I got a call from them to confirm some things on my application, I’m sure it meant nothing though. From last year’s threads I’m pretty sure we won’t hear anything until about march.</p>

<p>hmm has anyone else applied? maybe they’ve really cut down on the number of applicants?</p>

<p>2009! still no replies? I’m sure there has to be other applicants out there, no word from Stokes, I did send in updated SAT scores, scored even higher.</p>

<p>hello. i have also applied for this scholarship. it sounds extremeley exciting and i really hope i get it. i’m applying for the computer science major. unfortunately i am on indian (india) heritage so i doubt the minority factor applies to me. any other applicants out there?</p>

<p>also here are some stats:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.91 unweighted
Rank: 7/608
ACT: 33 (2220 SAT translation I think?)
SAT Math Level II: 760</p>

<p>I have a number of extra-curricular activities, though I’m not sure how much they will consider them.</p>

<p>Trumpet for 7 years and perform with the Los Angeles Symphonic Winds
Varsity Tennis Team
Science Bowl Team
Peer Counselor
California Scholarship Federation (President)</p>

<p>As for computer related, I have designed and maintained 3 websites for my school, and own my own web design company. I also took the AP Computer Science course at my school during Junior year.</p>

<p>I really hope I get this scholarship!</p>

<p>nice to see there are other applicants! your extra curriculars sound fantastic! I think you’ll make it, best of luck to you my friend.</p>

<p>thanks, and good luck to you as well! does anybody have an idea about how many semifinalists there are? i’ve seen a variety of numbers, ranging from 30-100…</p>

<p>from what i hear theres about 100 semi-finalists. but then again no one is really sure.</p>

<p>I didn’t know about this thread, or I would have posted earlier. I have also applied! </p>

<h2>Stats on Resume-</h2>

<p>GPA: 4.0uw/4.17w</p>

<p>Rank: N/A, my magnet school doesn’t rank</p>

<p>SAT (Composite): 790CR, 680M, 690W (2160 total)</p>

<p>SAT Math Lvl II: 690</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities: church youth group, piano, NHS, varsity basketball, my magnet school focuses on science and mathematics (and research and technology), NSHSS, French Honor Society, international travel</p>

<p>AP Courses (and Scores): World History (2), English Lang. and Comp (4), US History (4), Calculus AB (4), Comp. Sci, Physics, English Lit. and Comp, Calculus BC</p>

<p>Honors Courses: English 9, Algebra II, Earth Science, Biology, Government, English 10, Trigonometry, Pre-calculus, Chemistry, Physics</p>

<h2>College Major: Computer Science</h2>

<p>Is there anyone reading this who is or has been a Stokes scholar? I would love to hear more about the internship and the post-grad job. I hope that they pay well after college…;)</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Wow, you guys have some great stats.</p>

<p>Mine are:
1570 SAT’s
3.2uw 3.4w GPA
100 out of 442 class rank
Over 14 AP and Honors classes
Dual enrolled High School and Community College
Eagle Scout
Involved in Church and Youth Group</p>

<p>Intended major: Computer Science</p>

<p>I heard we should hear back toward the end of February or early March. </p>

<p>Good luck everyone.</p>

<p>hey everyone! just checking back!, hmm not a lot of posts huh? hopefully this is all that applied! :wink: haha i wish. Well anyway. its almost march. that magical month where thousands of highschool grads either cry or celebrate, lets hope we’re the ones celebrating! I’m pretty excited! From studying previous year’s thread’s, I’ve seen semi-finalist e-mails sent out as early as Feb. 27th and semi-finalist packages sent as late as March 31st. So lets start keeping a look out, make sure you post back as soon as you hear anything! good luck everyone!</p>

<p>its all classified</p>

<p>i got the semi-finalist notification yesterday =)</p>

<p>Congrats! e-mail or by mail?</p>


true, makes sense.</p>


congrats! was this by email, or by snail mail?</p>

<p>EDIT: oh, I asked the same question as the person above, lol. anyway, we’d like to know.</p>

<p>haha yeah i’m dying to know where to be looking</p>

<p>i got it through email</p>

<p>and best of luck to you all!</p>