Stone Hill College in Easton PA?

<p>What can you tell me? Town? Student Body? I saw campus on quick drive through and thought it was beautiful. Am curious to know more</p>


<p>Stonehill is in Easton, MA. A small, beautiful Catholic college. Great reputation for business. Known as a preppy, rich kids college. Kids do lots of community outreach volunteering.</p>

<p>Hi Luliztee- I think you mean in Easton MA . It is also one of those schools that is listed on the Colleges of Distinction website. So you could get a quick fix tonight and get some additional info from that source. There was a thread a few months ago on "hidden gem schools in NE and it might have been mentioned there. Maybe someone can bring up that old thread. Did you do your upstate trip yet? Good luck with your search.
Just checked - the thread I was referring to--it was started 5/29 "New England NY/NJ Sleepers" by Nightingale. Stonehill was mentioned a few times but not with much info- except its's nice and pretty pricey. I think you too were on that thread so you might have some recollection about it too.
If I were more computer savvy I'd bring it up- but that isn't happening tonight.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>recent thread on Stonehill College in Easton Mass.</p>

<p>HAHA Stonehill a preppy rich kids college?!?!? uuummm one of my past lives schools..........great school but I certainly would not classify it that way.</p>

<p>We visited the school about 6 years ago so things may be different. We also thought the campus was very well-groomed, maintained, and very appealing. Almost too much... to the point of "country clubish", if that's possible. Our student had a great profile, well above their published ones, but was only offered need based aid. Probably soured us a bit. We got the impression that many of the students were Boston College "wannabes." Pre-professional programs seemed to be the strongest but to be honest we never really got a handle on the academics, strong or weak. We heard much about facilities, dorms, snack bar etc but the academic side did not get much attention. Again, this was 6 years ago.</p>

<p>Yes Stonehill is so much different than it was 30 years ago when I was looking at school. Take a drive through the student parking lot to check out their cars for a real eye opener. Most of the kids are paying full freight and can still afford to do unpaid internships and pay for trips to exotic locals for charity work instead of working for pay summer and breaks. An upscale restaurant just opened across the street from the college. The manager said its the perfect location because the only rich residents around attend Stonehill.</p>