Story on sorority situation at UA on NPR

<p>Couldn’t have said it better, alicia67.</p>

<p>I second. RTR</p>

<p>Catfan I guess we do have selective memories :)</p>

<p><a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube;

<p><a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube;

<p>If you don’t think there is an old generation, an old legacy of racism still holding on(the alumi that started this media storm here at UA is proof) in the south your kidding yourselves. And Emmit Till had a white girlfriend in Chicago, but was killed in Mississppi for apparently “whistling” at a white woman. So stay off Chicago.</p>

Correct me if I am wrong, but does not being able to AFFORD TO ATTEND COLLEGE in the first place skew towards the wealthier students?</p>

Oldmom quote:
Is there financial aid for sorority membership like there is for college attendance?


<p>What do you mean? From a univ? No. However, since R&B is figured into COA, if a student were to get FA for that, then that could be used towards Greek housing costs as long as the award isn’t for oncampus housing/meals only. </p>

<p>I don’t know of any Houses that provide FA to low income students to cover Greek dues. maybe there are some?</p>

<p>*If you don’t think there is an old generation, an old legacy of racism still holding on(the alumi that started this media storm here at UA is proof) in the south your kidding yourselves. *</p>

<p>If you don’t think there is an old generation, an old legacy of racism still holding on in EVERY state, you’re kidding yourself.</p>

<p>I think Bama187 is a ■■■■■. The South is THE most integrated region in the nation. Social institutions like “the church” and college Greek systems are still mainly segregated, however, mostly by choice. I grew up going to church with Black people, going to school with them, living next to them. Most of my white friends in California can not say the same. I detect a lot of anti-Southern bigotry from Bama187. Why is it ok to focus on negative things traditionally more associated with White Southerners, but not negative things traditionally more associated with other groups? Why not stop focusing on Southerners as a group, and see them as individuals, many of whom have more daily interaction with AAs than any other people in the nation. Some are hard core racist, some are a bit prejudiced, and others are sincerely looking to make the South a better place for all people and could care less about someone’s race.</p>

<p>The truth does not make me a ■■■■■ :slight_smile: . Even the two blacks in the vids I posted above(I advise you watch them) who are on planes every week(Stephan A Smith(oh boy he went in)&Sharpton) agreed the racism in the south is the worst, like I said these guys are on planes EVERY WEEK so they’re VERY credible sources. and you’re from ATL for peetsake the most liberal city in the south. I’ve been there plenty of times the difference between the metro and rural south is night and day. And I know not just black people, Asian and Hispanic people who said the south is the most racist place they’ve been. Look I like living in the south the low cost of living and low taxes, but I am under no illusion that people in those rural counties changed. The metro south is way ahead of those places.</p>

<p>Quote: mom2collegekids(If you don’t think there is an old generation, an old legacy of racism still holding on in EVERY state, you’re kidding yourself.) That’s ironic, no that’s hilarious considering what the old generation in the south, no this state did to minorities and in Emily Jamison’s case still holding on to.</p>

<p>Isn’t the real issue at UA that outsider alums are pressuring the sororities not to accept minoroty pplicants? I believe the sorority sisters deserve kudos for bringing this issue to greater attention, as does the student body as a whole for not passively accepting ths interference but protesting against it.</p>

<p>Yes it’s that old generation of Alabama natives(the most EVIL people that every lived in our nations history) that is still holding on. Those alumni lived in an era when people like George Wallace, Bull Connor, and church bombers terrorized blacks. Nowadays people hide behind inner city crime statistics to justify their hate, but will accept “clean cut” blacks. Which is fair cause I don’t want nobody to get shot. But, in the era Emily Jamison is from they hated blacks for no reason(the girl had 4.3 GPA, carried herself in a nice manner, the girls liked her, etc.) it’s a shame we’re gonna have to wait till that old generation croaks to move on 100%</p>





<p>It’s just amazing how many Chicken Littles there are scurrying about, cackling uselessly.</p>


I’m a middle-aged white guy from the south, and I still find that my mind explodes when I see the term “traditionally white” used in 2013. And I’ve gotta say, that NPR piece goes extremely easy on Alabama and its Greek system.</p>

<p>Again, Bama187, how are you any different than a racist who loves to present facts about crime and African Americans, or his or her bad experiences with certain AAs to justify his or her bigotry? Face it, you are prejudiced against Southerners. You are a bigot
Get some help</p>