Straight up tell me please.

<p>why is the ranking so low?
I am considering attending and I know this sounds shallow but I am concerned with the ranking. It is not even included in the national universities ranking and is ranked behind the college of NJ and is tied with Scranton?! I thought Geneseo was selective and I want to know if it is going to rise in the rankings or what? 8th in the regional univ. north seems very low. Sorry I'm not trying to insult the school or anyone who attends I am just incredibly curious because it might boil down to me having to go there especially for financial reasons. Thank you</p>

<p>That’s wher eI was. They are highly recognized within NY but outside , I do not know. BUT it depends on where you plan to go after undergrad, and how their programs will help you. I want to go to Med school outside of NY so i chose a different school, but that’s also because I fell in love with the University of Rochester’s campus</p>

<p>i wouldn’t get your heart set on a particular medical school if I were you, especially in high school. where you go for undergrad does not matter as long as you get good grades. also, people from geneseo get into plenty of out of state med schools, we just have a huge advantage with in state schools. rumor has it buffalo will add to geneseo gpas because they know how hard it is here. either way good luck</p>