Strange activity with my bursar account.

<p>So I go to check my mailbox and there I find a check that simply says it is a bursar account refund. After all the financial aid I got, I only had to pay a small amount for the fall semester (I'm a freshman) according to the bill they gave me. This check, however, is more money than I had to pay initially, so basically if I cash this check I end up not only paying nothing for this semester, but they are actually giving me like $200 more than I initially paid. What the heck is going on here? I'm not really complaining, but does anyone have any insight as to what may have happened? I didn't request a reimbursement for anything either, so I can't figure it out.</p>

<p>Go on your bursar’s account page on ACES, there will be an up to date itemized list of charges and credits made to your account. You can probably figure it out from there.</p>

<p>Another thing is that you should know the estimated cost of attendance given by the FA office (and from which your FA package is calculated) includes discretionary spending such as books, travel, etc that are not paid to Duke (ie you pay airlines, bookstores directly). However, Duke still counts those as eligible for FA. Thus, it might turn out that the actual amount of money you have to pay Duke is lower than the amount of FA that Duke is giving you, meaning you’ll actually get money from Duke to cover these out-of-pocket expenses.</p>

<p>It simply says it is a reimbursement check. However, the amount of the check is the exact amount of the insurance fee. The thing is, I said that I wanted the insurance, so why would they give me money back in that amount?</p>

<p>FA covers insurance. You used to have to ask for it, but I think they do it automatically now.</p>