<p>Looking for colleges strong in business, junior this year, from florida, love the weather, sister goes to Boston college, i dont want anywhere as cold and grey,so im limiting myself geographically to the south/southwest area, california is a little far for my taste, would like suggestions for reaches, matches, and safeties, (for optimism's sake assume all of my probably's are definites since it's a little early in the game lol) </p>
<p>considering: Florida, Texas, Wake Forest, SMU, UNC, UVA, Duke (last 3 major reaces if im not mistaken)</p>
<p>any thoughts on the schools listed, suggestions of other schools would be appreciated</p>
<p>-small competetive private boarding/day school w/ excellent but not N.E. Prep school level rep</p>
<p>-3.9 UW, 4.1 W, course load pretty rigorous but not the most (freshman 2 honors, school offered 5, sophmore 5 honors school offered 5, junior 2 AP 3 honors, couldve done 3 AP)</p>
<p>-not sure of class ranking, school doesnt give out exact rankings, probly top 10-20%</p>
<p>-202 PSAT sophmore year, have been doing alot of prep so i should do significantly better, probly enough to be NMSF, florida cut-off 215 (i think, correct me if im wrong), havnt taken SAT yet but il probly be around 2100-2200, complete conjecture however</p>
<p>-EC's:alot of school and travel basketball, coaching basketball youth league, youth group, not anything else 2 significant, will get a job or volunteer alot this summer, involvment probly biggest weakness</p>