Strong demand for Va Tech

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<p>Wow have they got a trainwreck on their hands (again) when they try to house that many people.</p>

<p>I hope I get good housing!</p>

<p>yeah i'm SO annoyed by that... i'm glad peopel got in but they told all transfer students that there's no housing for them...and i'm a transfer student and i have to scramble to find a place. they're sending emails to current on campus students asking them if they are willing to give up their rooms for the freshmen.</p>

<p>i don't get it.</p>

<p>WHY admit more students than you can house?! they're going to be putting freshmen in with the RA's and in study lounges and lord knows where else.</p>

<p>i'm so aggravated by this</p>

<p>Well, the thing is they can't just admit the number of students that they want to attend. A lot of people (looks like around 3/4ths) that get accepted don't attend. So they have to guess how many people are going to accept acceptances, which is a very tricky thing to do. So while first semester last year was totally their fault, I'm not so sure that we can blame them for this one.</p>

<p>chuy, I wonder how many of the kids chose VT's offer over more prestigious ($) privates or even other OOS publics due to the economy and the recession we are close to being in. It would be interesting to see how much of an influence current/prospective family finances factored into their decision. </p>

<p>I know of so many families who are really steering their kids toward the least expensive schools because they are stressing about the future of the economy. I think these state schools had better be prepared for more of the same in the coming years.</p>

<p>We just got a letter in the mail today about a $1k in state tuition increase so there goes part of those savings...</p>